Welcome to our brand new Phase 2 blog! We plan to use the blog to keep you up-to-date with all the exciting learning that takes place every week at St Matthews. The blog will also be a space for posting school reminders, as well as links to sites we may all find useful, so please do check in regularly! We sometimes will post as individual classes and other times as a phase group, we hope you will find it valuable and look forward to your encouraging comments.
Please note, I do not own any of the images included on our blog, apart from the photos of our classroom and children.
What a great start to the year it has been. It has put such a smile on my face to see all of you bustle through the doors with such enthusiasm, excited to start the new school year.
I managed to capture some of your smiling faces this week as you came into school. Can you spot yourself? It is so wonderful when the teachers receive a bright, cheery morning welcome from you all, it puts a smile on our faces too!
Assemblies have looked at ‘fresh starts’ and I know that many of you are thinking about how you can be the very best version of yourself this new school year. For some of you that ‘fresh start’ might be being a role-model for children in the younger years, or perhaps you have decided to nail your timestables this year! It is sometimes difficult to start something new or face a challenge but Joshua 1:9 reminds us:
‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’
Whatever you have decided as your challenge to face, I look forward to hearing about your journey to fulfilling that goal as the year goes on.
Thanks for reading and I hope you are as excited as I am for this new opportunity to bring school and home together through the Phase 2 blog!
Miss M​ : )