This week we have left earth and travelled in a rocket to space! We started the week meeting Fizz’s friend ‘ Ziggy ‘ an alien who lives in space! The children love Ziggy and have spent much of their choosing time making more space aliens to be friends with Ziggy!
To go into space we would all need space helmets and space boots – we made sure we were prepared…
Our small world play was also rocket themed and armed with their space knowledge the children made up some super space stories through their play.
When our rocket reached the moon we collected some moon rocks…
Our number work this week has been Based around capacity – from the capacity of different Shaped bottles to the capacity of a car/ bus/ train…. football stadium even!
Our blast off puzzle was appropriate and popular this week.
We’ve a so practised making words …
designing rockets with the 2D shapes …
Designing our own moon surface…
and working together to achieve an outcome! Great team work Reception!
Our main focus this week has been our assembly. Thank you for learning the words with your children – they did a fabulous job! Usually parents would be invited in to see the assembly but that was not be this year so we have videoed it for you! One to keep I’m sure!!
The office will be sending the assembly video out with a special password.
Last weeks magic carpets looking great on the wall.
Have a good weekend everybody X