Let’s go fly a kite…

We have continued with our kites and flags as the children have really enjoyed making both and using them at play times to aid their play. Here they are lining up to go outside to try their kite creations – luckily we chose a windy day!

On a Monday morning we have an ‘ Artis’ session with the lovely Fizz. This is an initiative that began after lockdown to settle the children back into the school routine. It involves, movement, drama, listening, being still and thinking – helping us all with our well – being. The sessions are calming and the children are enjoying the opportunity to express themselves and how they are feeling in a safe and calm environment. Mrs Mooney and I are also enjoying the calm of the sessions!!

Having made our semaphore flags last week, this week the children have followed the diagrams and managed to do some signalling. Everyone started signalling the initial letter in their name and moved on to trying cvc words. It was fun signalling but the children found it really tricky deciphering what their friends were signalling to them!


In RE this week we thought about what a  miracle was. We had some great suggestions – one being something you can do that you didn’t expect to be able to do!

We read the story of the loaves and fish and marvelled at how one picnic basket fed so many hungry people, even with food left over too. We acted out Jesus telling his disciples to share the little boys picnic among the people… of course we then all shared our 5 loaves between us!

Our number work has been tricky this week. We have been adding by counting on from any number. ie: 2+5=  starting at 2 on a number line and counting on 5 jumps to get to our answer. For those children that can do this kind of simple addition easily it proved much harder for them to count on to work out the answer rather than just ‘ know’ the answer. Counting on from any number is tricky as as you start to count , you are for this example: 2+5  counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 out loud but pointing at numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, as you count.  This is very confusing when you are 4 or 5! If you have any time at home – this would be a good thing to practice!

Our other number/ shape/ space measure activities included:






Our literacy activities included lots of letter formation – i did send a letter formation pack home this week. I’d be grateful if you could use it to have a practise. It doesn’t need to come back into school it’s just to add some practise time as lots of our class are forming letters in a rather round-a-about way and it will be tricky to start writing longer pieces of work next year without standard letter formation which allows each letter to flow into the next once cursive writing begins. Other activities included:

We have been allowed play dough  back at last… ( due to coronavirus  play dough has been off the menu for over a year)







We do reading everyday and the children have enjoyed paired reading this week, helping each other and reading together.  

This week has also seen us take part in some parachute games which were great fun and needed some good listening and team work skills.





Here are some other pictures of the children just enjoying playtime. Have a great weekend everyone.

Erin Bibby


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