Welcome back to school and the start of the summer term in Reception! We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Easter break.
This week the children went on their first proper school trip – proper in the sense that it was on an actual coach! We went to lovely Godstone Farm in Surrey where the children enjoyed a day packed full of fun activities. A huge thank you to the mums and dads who gave up their time to come with us.
- First, we took a tractor ride across the farm.
- Then we ventured into the woods to learn how to make huge spider webs; we were shown how to wind string around large wooden frames and then we had a go ourselves.
- Next we had the chance to meet and touch a cockerel, a chick, a rabbit and an 84-year-old tortoise!
- After lunch we learnt about what happens to wool on its way from a sheep’s back to a coloured ball ready for use and we had a go at weaving.
- Finally, we watched four delightful pigs race around a ready-made track and cheered on our favourites!
Here are some photos from the day:
If you fancy challenging yourself this weekend, here are some ideas for a weekend challenge:
- Can you draw a map to show where the tractor went when it took us for a ride? Draw/write what you saw on the ride.
- Can you remember how to make your own spider web? Draw a picture of a web and write a set of instructions to explain what to do, or make your own frame out of sticks and wind string around it.
- Can you draw a picture of one of the animals we met and write a sentence about your picture?
- Can you draw a story map to show what happens to wool: start with a sheep and finish with a ball of wool – what happens in between?
- Have an obstacle race with a friend, a brother or sister or even a grown-up! Can you write down who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Can you time the race and write down the times different people took to complete the course?