Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term. We hope everyone had a lovely half term break. Isn’t it is hard to believe we are now half way through the year in Reception!
It was Shrove Tuesday this week so of course we had to read the story of Mr Wolf’s Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. Oh dear, what a surprising story this was! We had lots of very interesting conversations about being kind and friendly and whether or not we thought Mr Wolf’s actions were justified! You can revisit the story here:
SchoolKidz TV
Afterwards, we were all very keen indeed to have a go at making our own pancakes. Mr Wolf wrote a shopping list before he went to the shops. Can you remember what was on the list? That’s right: eggs, flour and milk! Luckily, Miss Cronin had remembered to pop to the shops before school and had picked up all of the ingredients we needed. We measured, mixed and poured our pancake batter into a frying pan and even had a go at flipping a pancake ourselves (with a cold pancake and pan that Mrs Fenwick had cleverly cooked for us earlier!). Photos of our pancake flipping to follow… We also spent some time talking about how important it is to keep safe in a kitchen, staying well away from the stove and listening carefully to the grown-ups’ instructions.
The best part of the day had to be when we ate the pancakes and they were delicious! Some of us tried a little sprinkle of sugar on our pancake, others of us tried one with lemon and sugar. Some of us thought we might not like the taste of lemon but wanted to try anyway – well done for being brave and trying something new!
On Wednesday, it was Ash Wednesday which marks the first day of Lent in the Christian calendar. Mother Helen and Father Alastair led our whole school worship and talked to us about the sort of things people do during Lent to prepare for Easter. Back in the classroom, we decided to turn the tree in our prayer corner into a Lent tree. We all worked so hard to write and decorate a leaf with our lenten promises. The tree is looking wonderful and I will post a photo when it is complete. Can you remember what you wrote on your promise leaf?
Next, we read another surprising story – I am a Tiger by Karl Newson and Ross Collins. You can revisit this very funny story here: https://youtu.be/VnMHfxiQBdU
And then, we read yet another surprising story – Hungry Hen by Richard Waring and Caroline Jayne Church which you can reread here: https://youtu.be/oxexImCLeWk
Can you talked about what it means if something is surprising? Which was your favourite surprising story this week? Why was it your favourite? Can you come up with your own surprising story?
We have also been practising our subitising, composition and numeral recognition skills playing games where we have to think about what numbers are made of, practise using our doubles and number bond knowledge and link quantities to numerals.
Finally, in our phonics lessons we have been practising our set 1 speed sounds and focusing especially on the special friends sh, ch and th. We have also been reading our speedy green words and having a go at working with a partner to take turns reading/listening to a ditty (a mini sentence).
We hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, see you on Monday!