Take a Peek at: Light and Dark.

This week in Reception Oak class we looked at light and dark…

Our man story of the week was The Ahlbergs : Funnybones. It is set in the dark! We made our own skeleton art work and danced a skeleton dance…

Funnybones by Allan Ahlberg

We had circle times chatting about things that happen in the light and other things that might happen in the dark. We also talked about sources of light – a huge and interesting array of answers were including: ‘ Our eyes have lights in them that turn on when we open them and turn off when we shut them, like car lights!!’  – It’s always good fun in Reception!



We made shadow puppets and made up stories with them using a bright torch and a white sheet. A very popular activity and lots of creative ideas in stories that evolved as they each added their puppet to the show.


Our home corner turned into a bedroom with lots of pyjamas and bedtime stories. The children do so love recreating familiar routines from home!

Our sounds this week have been : u c k f b

The children enjoy finding out the sound from our sound bag, where we have a number of objects that start with that sound. Childfren are chosen to hold up an object and say what it is and then we guess the sound. After this we draw the sounds in the air, wrie them on a whiteboard, watch a 2 minute video on each sound, blend the sound and learn an action as well as a saying to help them remember how to write the sound.

We have moved our PE day to a Wednesday as this week our Monday hal time was cut short as other classes had assemblies. We returned on Wednesday to have an extended PE lesson which everyone enjoyed.

As always numbers have been an important part of the week. Catching stars in the water tray…

Number puzzles…

Continuing one more/  one less…



and timing ourselves seeing how many actions we could do in one minute – whether it be star jumps, hops, or how many balls we can get in the bucket!


We followed this up with telling each other about an activity we took part in using language such as First, next, after that and finally or at the end.


Lots of building this week both indoors and out:

In our outdoor classroom the children got creative using the building sticks and balls to make up a golf game!

Our Diwali project on display. The clay hands are wonderful!

Lovely to chat to you all this week at our  parents meeting. Don’t forget any questions email Mrs Saunders.. office@st-matthews.merton.sch.uk. ‘ Reading’ books for your child to try reading to you will be coming home from next week, along with your childs normal 4 book choice for you to read with them. -We haven’t covered every sound yet so you child won’t know some – just let them have a go. Choose a quiet moment when you can give them your full attention ( without a phone in your hand!) and help them sound out and blend the words – some children are ready, some are not quite there yet. Don’t worry we all have to start somewhere and getting in the routine of having a book they need to read to you is great practise. Even if they just manage to recognise a few sounds, give lots of praise , and then always read the story fluently to them after they have had a good go at sounding it out and blending themselves.

Good luck – let me know how it goes in the yellow book.


Erin Bibby

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