A very warm welcome back to school – we can hardly believe it is the Summer term already! We hope everyone had a lovely Easter break. Here are the beautiful, marbled-ink eggs we made before the holidays, along with all our different prayers of thankfulness – we hope these found their way home to you safely…
This term, our Spotlight Stories will be inspired by the topic ‘Splish, Splash, Splosh’. Please look out for the termly overview which will be posted on Seesaw shortly.
One of the many highlights will be our school trip to Godstone Farm! To get us thinking about the sort of animals we might meet at the farm, we read the story of ‘Farmer Duck’ by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury which you can revisit here:
This term, we will be learning the set 2 sounds from the ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics programme:
This week, we learnt the first of these special friends sounds: ay. This sound is pronounced in the same way that you would say the letter name for the first letter of the alphabet. To help the children remember this sound, we encourage them to associate it with the picture above (of three children playing together). When they see the picture, we prompt them to say “ay, may I play?”. Please practise this together at home and try to think of lots of different words that contain the ay sound. Can your child spell them for you to write or have a go at writing some of these words themselves?
Don’t forget to keep practising the set 1 sounds too. You can find these in your child’s word pot or in the front of your child’s red book:
In our maths lessons this week, we revisited the concepts of ‘more than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal’. We used Stanley and Gruffy to help us understand these ideas: poor Stanley was quite upset because he had ‘less than’ Gruffy, so we helped to make things fair by making the amounts equal.
In our R.E. lessons this half term, we will be learning about how Jesus rescued people. This week, we found out that Jesus rescued some of his disciples when they were hungry. We opened up our bible and read the story of how Jesus filled their empty net with fish:
Care Bear’s Bible Stories For Kids
We wanted to see where this story actually took place so we used Google Earth to quickly pop over to a place called the Sea of Galilee which is actually not a sea but a freshwater lake in Israel. We had a go at acting out the story too to help us imagine what it might feel like to be hungry and how wonderful it must have felt when the net filled up with fish.
We hope everyone is having a lovely weekend – see you on Monday!