Monthly Archives: January 2017

Autumn Term

The children are working so hard practising for their Nativity play and the rehearsals are well underway. If there is any confusion about costumes the list of what to wear is below:

Christmas Play Costumes

Narrators: Black long sleeve trousers and tops

Mary: suitable traditional outfit (eg pale blue dress with headdress)

Joseph: suitable traditional outfit

Shepherds: suitable traditional outfit (possibly striped fabric tabard or dressing gown with headdress or tea towel)

Sheep: white trousers and top or sheep costume

Kings: suitable traditional outfit (plain t shirt and trousers with regal capes and crowns)

Inn Keeper: Plain t shirt, long skirt with apron

Angels and Gabriel: suitable traditional angel outfit with tinsel halo

Donkey: grey t shirt and trousers and tail or donkey costume

School children: School uniform

Head teacher:  Smart skirt/trousers and top

Caretaker: Jeans and a t-shirt, or alternative casual clothes.


This term we have been looking at the Chris Judd story The Lonely Beast. We have linked it to out topic by mapping his travels and is journey around the world looking for friends.

The children have joined in some wonderful role play activities and have written newspaper articles about his adventures.



In RE we have been looking at the topic ‘Why are they having a Jewish Party?’. We have learnt about a range of Jewish festivals, including Rosh Hashanah, Purim and most recently Hanukkah. The children made Jewish temples out of Lego to remind themselves of when the Maccabees had to clean and rededicate their temple.