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Can you guess which Greek god or goddess we are describing with our metaphors?

Can I use metaphors to show what kind of a character the Greek deities represented?


Comment below if you can guess which god or goddess is being describe . Look for clues in the words and clauses that have been chosen.


1. Her gleaming eyes are glistening moonstones hunting for the next untamed prey.

2. His gleaming eyes are two lively parties eagerly searching for wine.

3. Her gleaming eyes are shining rubies glancing over her golden spear.

4. His monstrous eyes are deadly flat onyx stones staring out to the stormy sea.

5. His lifeless, shadowy eyes are death searching for souls to doom evermore.

6. His menacing eyes are terrorising earthquakes, watching the glistening seas.

7. His powerful eyes are two raging hurricanes overlooking Mount Olympus.

8. His feared eyes are two deathly rubies searching for the next bloody battle to claim victory in.

9. His empty eyes are lifeless coals, gradually smouldering in the isolated shadows.

Reason and love keep little company together nowadays

You and your group have begun to write a script for the scene where the four mortal characters meet. Can you now post the remainder of the script?

Remember to show the relationships between these characters and use your Shakespearean insults!


LO: Can I  show the relationship between characters through speech and different language features ?

Hermia: My love Lysander where have you been?

Lysander: Why are you here you craven half-faced apple-John, I do not love you anymore.

Hermia: What do you mean? I am confused.

Lysander: My heart is drawn to beloved Helena, can your pea brain not understand this?

Hermia: What? You are in love with Helena, how could you hurt me like this? I gave you my heart and my soul and you have disintegrated them.

Hermia: [to Helena] You have betrayed me, thou spongy sheep biting scut!

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind…

You and your group have begun to write a script for the scene where the four mortal characters meet. Can you now post the remainder of the script?

Remember to show the relationships between these characters and use your Shakespearean insults!

LO: Can I  show the relationship between characters through speech and different language features ?

Hermia: Lysander  Oh! Lysander the love of my life I have been anxiously searching from morning till night!

Lysander: shoo bootless clay briad bum bailey, my desire is no longer with thou but for my beloved Helena.

Hermia: My dear Lysander how could thou be so heartless the plans we made to run away and get married?

Demetrius :  Yes Lysander go and run away with Hermia and have the time of your life!

The course of true love never did run smooth…

You and your group have begun to write a script for the scene where the four mortal characters meet. Can you now post the remainder of the script?

Remember to show the relationships between these characters and use your Shakespearean insults!


LO: Can I  show the relationship between characters through speech and different language features ?

Hermia: oh Lysander my beloved I have been searching for you whilst the sky has been changing into overcast colours!

Lysander: Whoa! Hold up, thou fobbing basecourt baggage. All the foul love you thought we had, has perished away into nothing. My love belongs to Helena!

Hermia: Lysander, my true love! All that we had is just dead? Helena [to Helena], thou blubbing beetle-headed boar-pig!

Helena: It is not my fault! My dear Hermia!

Demetrius: Back off Lysander! Helena’s heart and soul belongs with me! You weedy rough-hewn barnack!