Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind…

You and your group have begun to write a script for the scene where the four mortal characters meet. Can you now post the remainder of the script?

Remember to show the relationships between these characters and use your Shakespearean insults!

LO: Can I  show the relationship between characters through speech and different language features ?

Hermia: Lysander  Oh! Lysander the love of my life I have been anxiously searching from morning till night!

Lysander: shoo bootless clay briad bum bailey, my desire is no longer with thou but for my beloved Helena.

Hermia: My dear Lysander how could thou be so heartless the plans we made to run away and get married?

Demetrius :  Yes Lysander go and run away with Hermia and have the time of your life!

9 thoughts on “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind…

  1. Lysander: No! It is you who I love not that fowl beast. You’re as beautiful as Aphrodite and as wise as Athena.

    Hermia: How could you say such nonsense? I feel punished like ill fated Icarus and as invisible as the gods.

    Demetrius: Stop! You ravens you are insulting my ear drums with your blaring voices and quarreling.

    Hermia: Oh Helena you’ve snatched Lysander’s heart, but you’ve killed mine, I thought we were best friends?

    Helena: It’s a trick, no one will ever love me.
    Demetrius: Be quiet, you’ve offended my beloved Helena’s ears.

    1. maisie!!!!!!
      i really like the way you have used powerful similies that connects to our topic!
      Also, I like the metaphor, you put in:):):):):)!!!
      (‘…but you killed mine…’)

    2. I like how you have related Helena to the gods I also like the sentence you have snatched lysanders heart but you have killed have shown how much Lysander loves Helena I like the word quarrelling and offending .

  2. Lysander: No my sweet I do not love that foul raven I want to stay with you my beautiful Helena

    Hermia: You have be trade me you goatish fat kidney flirt gill how could you be so heartless.

    Lysander: The love we had was such a waste of time I wish I never set eyes on your hideous face.

    Helena: Calm down you monsters we must settle this dispute before you become violent why must you fight.

    Lysander: The beautiful is right why must we fight leave me and my true love alone and we can forget all about this fight.

    Hermia: Fine no one will listen to me any way!
    Helena: Hermia wait Lysander don’t you see what you have done.

  3. Hermia: Helena what have you done, you villainous tickle-brain flirt-grill you have stolen my beloved Lysander!

    Helena: I did nothing I swear!

    Hermia: How can I trust you goat! My beloved one is now yours, but not for long!

    Demetrius: Lysander go run away with your frothy common-kissing hedge pig while I have my beautiful petal.

    Lysander: Don’t mess with me you ass you take the fobbing onion eyed whey face! Helena is the light if my life!

    Helena: I thought loved Helena you both did!

    Lysander: Hermia ewe she is the opposite of beauty in so many
    ways her his rotten as seaweed her face look like a pig and her eyes are soulless

    1. Hello. I like the way you used the insults and I like the last line where Lysander says Hermia is ugly. It really shows he doesn’t love her anymore. I also like the way where Demetrius and Lysander are arguing. That shows that they really love Helena. I also liked it when you said Hermias eyes are soulless .

  4. Lysander & hermia: BE QUIET HELENA!

    Helena: fine I shall be quiet.

    Lysander: my heart will drift on with Helena but will die with you.

    Hermia: how could you say something like that to me.

    Lysander: calm down lady.

    1. welldun Tristan you have trayd verry hard in this pisce of work.I like when you say my heart will drift on with Helena but wil die with you because it is a powful setenc, when I was reeding it I was nily criying.

  5. Lysander: NO! I love only you my sweet Helena.
    Demetrius: Helena! may you kiss my lips?

    Helena: Come Demetrius lets escape from this confusing catastrophe!

    Demetrius: I love thou Helena lets depart and get married just you and I.

    Hermia: Please don’t abandon me Lysander my beloved, it is me you truly love not the hateful spine chilling Helena.

    Lysander: NO! Don’t be disrespectful of the charming Helena thou goatish doghearted footlicker.

    Helena: Our extraordinary friendship has forever gone Hermia.

    Hermia: Depart thou with your worthless shameful Demetrius.

    Demetrius: Enough Hermia! Be quite, my Helena is far better than you!!!

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