Reason and love keep little company together nowadays

You and your group have begun to write a script for the scene where the four mortal characters meet. Can you now post the remainder of the script?

Remember to show the relationships between these characters and use your Shakespearean insults!


LO: Can I  show the relationship between characters through speech and different language features ?

Hermia: My love Lysander where have you been?

Lysander: Why are you here you craven half-faced apple-John, I do not love you anymore.

Hermia: What do you mean? I am confused.

Lysander: My heart is drawn to beloved Helena, can your pea brain not understand this?

Hermia: What? You are in love with Helena, how could you hurt me like this? I gave you my heart and my soul and you have disintegrated them.

Hermia: [to Helena] You have betrayed me, thou spongy sheep biting scut!

11 thoughts on “Reason and love keep little company together nowadays

  1. Helena: Hermia, you are my best friend, I would not do such a thing, and don’t you see this spiteful trick these two horrible children are playing on me?

    Hermia: I thought I was your best friend, but now that you have stolen dear Lysander from me we are nothing anymore…

    Lysander: Hermia, get out of here; you are worthless to us all! If you are really that desperate why don’t you follow that fobbing onion-eyed maggot-pie, Demetrius!

    Demetrius: To me Hermia is hopeless; Helena drew me towards her with her beauty, her sweet eyes glow more than Aphrodite.

    1. Jessie i really enjoyed reading your script because i like that you compared Aphrodite to Helena and the sentences, Helena drew me towards her with her beauty,the thing i enjoyed about that sentence that you used drew me because it fitted very with in the sentence.but it could be better if you said Helena drew like a magnet towards her because of her beauty.

    2. you have put a lot of power words in there and I like the way you said her sweet eyes are glow more than Aphrodite that was really good .

    3. This is fantastic work, Jessie! You’ve shown the relationship between these characters very effectively. Great use of semi-colons too! Mrs G 🙂

  2. Helena: It’s not my fault Lansander and Demtrius are playing trick on me than spongy bitten john.

    Hermia: What? Lansander never plays tricks and, if he did I would be really anger.

    Lansander: My beloved Helena I am not playing a trick on you I really love you. Like the sun sating down and the moon rising up.
    Demetrius: No I love Helena you carven bitten wagtail lansder

    Helena: I don’t love lansder but I love Demetrius his my olny love

  3. Helena: Do not talk to me like that. I am confused.

    Demetrius: I love Helena now. My heart is drawn to her.

    Lysander: I am going to be the one marrying Helena not you.

    Hermia: I thought you wanted to marry me. You have destroyed our love.

    1. Hi Ella I really like your use o f simmelies and I like the bit when it said do not talk to me like that. I think it is a very powerfull sentance and I also like the part when it says my heart is drawn to her.!!!

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