The course of true love never did run smooth…

You and your group have begun to write a script for the scene where the four mortal characters meet. Can you now post the remainder of the script?

Remember to show the relationships between these characters and use your Shakespearean insults!


LO: Can I  show the relationship between characters through speech and different language features ?

Hermia: oh Lysander my beloved I have been searching for you whilst the sky has been changing into overcast colours!

Lysander: Whoa! Hold up, thou fobbing basecourt baggage. All the foul love you thought we had, has perished away into nothing. My love belongs to Helena!

Hermia: Lysander, my true love! All that we had is just dead? Helena [to Helena], thou blubbing beetle-headed boar-pig!

Helena: It is not my fault! My dear Hermia!

Demetrius: Back off Lysander! Helena’s heart and soul belongs with me! You weedy rough-hewn barnack!

11 thoughts on “The course of true love never did run smooth…

  1. Hermia: Oh Lysander I have found you my beloved husband to be ,I was fearful when I first awoke but all is forgiven.

    Lysander: What dost thou mean?Belike I loved thee once but I shall never again you, you RAVEN

    Hermia: what Lysander thou loved thee once, did thou not I shall love you forever!

    Lysander: thee love is for Helena. Her beauty has desended upon thou like a cupids arrow. She is truly as radiant as a goddess. Thou villainess swag-bellied harpy. Thee love for thou has faded and perished like an old flower withering in the shadows.

    Demetrius: you heartbreaking liar I love Helena not thou I have loved her for more than forever and a day. You pest
    Helena: stop it thee spiteful men, I thought you were noble men. I wish not to be mocked. Must you pretend.

    Demetrius: you know I love thou. I have and always will.

    Hermia: Helena how could you take both men from me I thought thou was my best friend, thou traiter.

  2. Lysander: No way! Helena belongs to me and her pure heart would be mine, thou goatish flat-mouthed harpy!

    Demetrius: You would be cruelly punished by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty! Now get your pignut love off my glamorous Helena!

    Helena: Stop quarrelling, your tricks are free like two, wide open doorways, never to be shut. You are foolish little children debating about me!

    1. what does pignut mean and I like the way you said about the open doorways its very impressive the way you showed your relationship between the characters.

    2. I like the way you have used Aphrodite and her power of love and
      beauty, also the way you’ve used quarrelling in stead of arguing and your simile. your tricks are free like two, wide open doorways, never to be shut.

  3. Hermia: Lysander my true love! All that we had is now gone?
    Lysander: I don’t know why I spent all this time on you. You are a venomous sheep-biting nut hook!!!
    Hermia: you love thou horrible Helena!?
    Lysander: whoa! Back of Hermia. Helena is more pretty than Aphrodite and more wise than Athena. Any way she is more pretty than you. She has gleaming eyes and her hair is as silky as Archne’s weaving. You mean nothing to me!
    Hermia: I hate you. You fobbing guts-gripping hedge-pig you stole my only love and now you are breaking my heart!
    Helena: I didn’t want it to happen. I thought it was a joke. I don’t love him he is your boyfriend.i much prefer Demetrious.

    Demetrious: thanks for the complement but don’t start with me it is already to confusing.
    Hermia: if you are so desperate why don’t you gon with the pitfall Demetrious.
    [Demetrious runs away and Helena follows]
    Hermia: please come back. I know somewhere in you still has a place for me.
    Lysander: You mean nothing to me.
    Oberon: Oh puck what have you done

    1. Incredible script and nice use of the shakesperian-insults 😀
      Your work followed well along with the concept of the script, great job ;3

  4. Lysander: My love for Helena is stronger than you. You quarrelling milk-livered coxcomb beast.

    Oberon: This is getting out of hand. Puck! Fetch me the blood of a Satyr, so when the Athenian boy is slumbering I can place a drop into his eye and he will become who he was before, again!

    Demetrius: Since the day I layed eyes on you Helena, I could never glance away again! When I am away from you I feel sorrow in my soul.

    Helena: Hey! Don’t you want to know how I feel about you but-kissing fouls?

    Lysander: My beloved. It my pleaser to hear how you feel!

    Helena: I don’t have any feelings for you. I don’t love any of you. I thought I loved Demetrius before but now I know how he felt I don’t think we have a spark anymore.

    Demetrius: Even though you don’t love me I love you with my life.

    1. Well done Mia :). I think you have added some appropriate verbs in these sentences e.g: quarrelling, fetch because you could of used talking or get which are very basic so you showed your ideas appropriately. I also liked your insults especially you but-kissing fouls as it explains how much she hates them.

  5. Lysander: Get your ratchet hands off Helena! You are with the pungent Hermia. Helena deserves a man completely better than a flagitious man like you.

    Hermia: Y-you th-ink… No…

    (Hermia faints)

    Lysander and Demetrius: Ooh… Okay then…

    Helena: Hermia, my dear friend! Nooo!

    Demetrius: At least that reeking ogre is gone. Now it’s just me and you Helena; get out of here Lysander, you morosoph.

    Lysander: I have you Helena; don’t care about that traitor, quisquilian Demetrius.

    Helena: I have had enough you two scoundrels; this is simply disrespectful! It is absolutely disgusting how you both are continuously scorning my broken heart. Now you have made my poor friend Hermia faint. You two are truly full of nonsense.

    Lysander & Demetrius: You say that, but you don’t know our love is real

    (Helena flounces away and the two stalk her path)

    1. I like it in the brackets when you added in the movement of the characters to make your script, also at the end when you made both of the character (Lysander and Demetruis) speak at the same time to make you script unique. I like it in the speech were the characters stutter.

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