The Moirai has decreed these four meet on a Midsummer’s night…

You and your group have begun to write a script for the scene where the four mortal characters meet. Can you now post the remainder of the script?

Remember to show the relationships between these characters and use your Shakespearean insults!


LO: Can I  show the relationship between characters through speech and different language features ?

Hermia: Lysander the handsome love of my life where have you been?

Lysander: Get away, I don’t love you any more thou rank elf-skinned buttock

Hermia: But I love you my sweet

Lysander: Well, Helena is but nobler and more beautiful than Aphrodite and wiser than Athena, so I do not need you!

Hermia: Helena you logger headed fat kidnyed Harpy, how dare you take my adored!

Helena:  Some unnatural power has controlled them, It is not my fault.

Demetrius: [to Lysander] You barnacle of a man! How dare you do this to my beautiful Helena?

Lysander: My love is burning like a fiery furnace on a scorching day!

6 thoughts on “The Moirai has decreed these four meet on a Midsummer’s night…

  1. Demetrius: Silence you jarring, dog-hearted, dewberry! Your speaking is to loud, you may offend my beautiful Helena’s ears.

    Helena: Please you two petty children! Don’t become vilont.

    Lysander: Oh I will do anything you say my glamorious love. I will even gift you the bright moon if you ask.

    Hermia: Helena! I thought you were my best friend! You turned out to be a wrethed witch!

    Lysander: How dare you insult my Helena thou fobbing, clay-brained, pignut! My heart will always and I mean always belong to Helena.

    Hermia: Lysander! Your saying this to me (faint)

    Helena: HERMIA!

    Demitrius: Oh no. Lysander, you adore her, you pick her up.

    Lysander: Your the one who wanted to marry her, you take care
    of her.

    Helena: Let me go you pesky children! This is serious! (run)

    1. Hello Majeed.
      I really like the way that Lysander said’ I will even gift you the bright moon if you ask.’ It shows that Lysander is really in love with Helena.
      Also, you have added some great shakespearen insults that shows the reader they don’t like each other.

  2. Demetrius: I have been together for years with the glamorous goddess Helena and you; well you only just fell in love with her. I am sure I adore the beauty of heaven more.

    Lysander: Are you sure you love Helena more? I have been truly in love with her since I laid eyes on her splendour, and as I recall you used to hate like she was gravel on the ground in hell.

    Hermia: Well I am off to find new love elsewhere; until I find new love I will be downcast. Goodbye you bawdy boar pigs of men. Helena it will never be the same again, I HATE YOU!

    Helena: Look what you men have done now, not only have I lost my best friend but I have to put up with you two weedy Athenians idolizing me and snapping at my heels like two dogs on leads chasing a sausage.

    Chorus: Helena leaves the clearing sobbing and vexed after losing Hermia and now hopes she could die painlessly so she did not have to face more mockery and sadness.

  3. Demetrius: Nay! Helena is mine Lysander you cant go near Helena or I shall slorter you.

    Helena: I am bewildered and dumbstruck Lysander I do not have feelings for you. Demetrius I thought you did not have love for me any more.

    1. i like the bit where you said i shall slorter you insead of i shall kill you you showed good relationship between the characters bye saying Helena is mine. ilike the way you made it like you had made it not like some one else had.

  4. Helena: Stop you look like two little children. What madnesshas took hold of your brans

    Lysander: and Demetrius: I do not know?

    Hermia: Helena why did you steel Lysander, you cant love

    Lysander he is mine you will pay it back.

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