Dates for your diary

The last day of term for Nursery will be Tuesday 18th December. Children in Nursery break up a little earlier than the rest of the school so we can hold an Open morning for the new children starting in January.

The first day back for the children will be Thursday 10th January. Again, we start back a little later than the rest of the school so that we can carry out home visits for the new children.

Thank you for your support & understanding.



Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our brand new Nursery class blog!  We plan to use the blog to keep you up-to-date with all the exciting learning that takes place in Nursery every week so please do check in regularly.

What a particularly busy week it has been in Nursery!  The children performed in not one, not two, but three performances of our Christmas show.  We have been so impressed by how hard they have all worked to learn the songs with actions, to remember where to stand on the stage and to understand what to expect from an audience.  We couldn’t be prouder of each and every one of them.  Well done Nursery!

Here are some candid backstage shots taken while we waited patiently for our cue…

Over the past few weeks, we have been learning all about the story of baby Jesus, in preparation for the Christmas show.  The children have been so taken with the story and many of them have been keen to explore it further through their play…

Some have been busy retelling the story on the magnetic whiteboard:

While others have enjoyed peeking into our little stable to see baby Jesus and the other nativity figures:

Several others decided to work together to build this rather impressive stable for baby Jesus!

And others still chose to look after baby Jesus, ensuring he had been washed and fed, ready for his starring role in the show:

There was also great excitement this week as we decorated the class Christmas tree…

And these rather lovely Christmas trees appeared on the playdough table!

It certainly is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!


About our blog

The purpose of our blog is to keep our parents and carers up-to-date with all the exciting learning that takes place in the Nursery class at St.Matthews.

We hope you will find it valuable and welcome your comments.

Please note, I do not own any of the images included on our blog, apart from the photos of our classroom and children.