Stanley the Sloth

Did you know we have a class pet in Nursery?

That’s right, Stanley is our pet sloth.  Most of the time, he sleeps in his nest high up on the windowsill. He wakes up everyday to join us at snack time.

This week, the very kind and friendly children in Nursery came up with the idea to collect some acorns for Stanley to eat.  We weren’t sure if he would like them so we left 5 of them in his bowl overnight and came back to check the next day.  We carefully recounted the acorns in the bowl and discovered that there were now 4…

“Stanley ate one!”

Apparently sloths are very slow animals, so we decided it must take Stanley one day to eat one acorn.  The children then predicted that the next day, we would find 3 acorns (then 2, then 1, then 0) in the bowl and, guess what…they were right!

Of course, sloths don’t actually eat acorns.   Real sloths eat leaves, fruit and sometimes insects.

You can watch a real sloth eating leaves here:

Stanley is not a real sloth – he’s a puppet, of course!  And when we talk to Stanley, we have to do lots of pretending and use our imaginations.  Luckily, the children in Nursery are very good at doing this!

We know to use our imaginations when making moon-sand pies, when making playdough cupcakes and when cooking up a storm in the mud kitchen! We have a ‘no picking, no licking’ rule that keeps us safe when we are playing outside and, inside, we remember to never put things in our mouths and only do pretend eating – unless of course it is snack time and we are with our teachers!

Our favourite story this week has to have been ‘If The Dinosaurs Came Back’ by Bernard Most.  Why not revisit the story at home, using the clip below.  You might like to turn the sound off and read it together.

Can you imagine what it would be like if the dinosaurs came back?!  Would you like to have a pet dinosaur? Where would it sleep and what would it eat?  I wonder if it would like to go to the park with you?

We hope everyone is having a lovely weekend – see you on Monday!

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