Yummy Pancakes!

It probably didn’t escape your notice that it was pancake day this week.  So, of course, we simply had to make pancakes and eat them too!  Unfortunately, the Ipad ran out of power just after we’d taken this photo, so you’ll have to take our word for it that they were delicious!

Can you remember the four ingredients we used to make the pancakes?  That’s right; flour, milk, eggs and oil.  We stirred the mixture up in a bowl and then the grown-ups carefully poured a little bit of the mixture into a frying pan – “to make them flat”.  Can you remember why the grown-ups did the cooking and not the children?

When it came to eating them, we squeezed a little lemon juice over them and then sprinkled a little sugar on top.  Finally, we rolled them up.  Yummy!

Image result for pancakes lemon and sugar


The children were particularly intrigued by the lemons and several of them wanted to have a go at tasting a lemon slice.  We all agreed lemons are very sour indeed!  Can you think of any other foods that have a sour taste?  What sort of a face do you make when you eat something sour?

Our key text this week had to be Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes which you can revisit here:

Can you remember how Mr Wolf’s neighbours knew the pancakes were ready?  That’s right, they could smell a delicious smell all around the neighbourhood!  Do you have a favourite smell?

In Nursery this week, the water tray smelt wonderful, thanks to these slices of fresh lemons and oranges.  Of course, these ones were not for eating! We know that we only eat things in Nursery at snack time after we have washed our hands.

This week we have been talking to the children about why it is important to wash our hands before we eat something.  We explained that we need to make sure our hands are nice and clean so that any germs on them don’t end up in our tummies as this can make us feel poorly.  We also explained that germs are very sticky and they like to hide all over our hands, not just on our finger tips!

This is why we need to pull up our sleeves, use soap and make sure we wash the fronts and backs of our hands, in between our fingers and our thumbs too!

We enjoyed watching this NHS video which demonstrates how to get “happy, clean hands!”: