Use your BIG voice!

A big thank you to all parents and carers who have gone out of your way to support our assembly. Thank you for dressing the children in all the right outfits, being so supportive of us and being a fantastic audience too!

As you can imagine we have spent sometime this week practising … mainly encouraging BIG voices ‘ … just like the ones we hear you use frequently throughout the day!‘  Despite our sometimes desperate encouragement of a loud, clear voice, we didn’t make much of an impact! We are unsure if any of you managed to hear any of what was going on today but thank you for being there and seeing a snapshot of what Oak Class have been up to over the last half term.


We celebrated making it through our assembly with an ice lolly…

We’ve fitted in lots more fun too with a focus on 3D shape. We are continuing this next week focusing on spotting 3D shapes in our environment, knowing the difference between 2D and 3D shapes, learning 3D shape names and counting sides and vertices. There are many shape games to play which reinforce all the language we need to use about shape and the properties of shapes.

In number,  our week has involved lots of doubling. Using mirrors, a fastest finger first game, match your partner and discover the double game along with jumping in and out of 2 hoops to find doubles! Math’s has never been so much fun!

From the first half of the summer term our PE lessons moved onto the field and we have learnt lots of games, enjoying the huge space,  running this way and that, learning and understanding rules of new games, taking part and managing not to get upset if not one of the ‘winners’!  This week rain stopped play, so we bought our PE lesson back into the hall and introduced some of the skills needed for our forthcoming sports day ( Wednesday 17th July am ).

We will be continuing our sports day practising for the next few weeks – hopefully back on the field in the sunshine.  Events include: balancing a bean bag on your head race, relay, bean-bag throw, dribbling the football around the cones, skipping, balancing tennis ball on the racquet, bench bunny hops and more. Oak class have also been lucky enough to secure the expertise from a LTA coach who will be coaching Oak Class once a week for this half term. With Wimbledon approaching  we are optimistic of  a wild card entry from our class!

I’m looking forward to seeing lots of you at the school summer fair tomorrow ( Saturday 15th June) and do enjoy a relaxing Father’s Day on Sunday.

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