Walking to the postbox

It has been such a busy week in Reception with Christmas rehearsals now in full swing and the dress rehearsal just around the corner (this coming Monday).  We are all looking forward to singing and performing for you!

Yesterday, we found time to take a walk out of school to a nearby postbox where we each posted a letter to our parents/carers.  Here we are carefully checking our envelopes to make sure they all have an address and a stamp on them before taking turns to pop them in the postbox.  c5887358-c953-46f8-be45-dc0b37f7df42

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I won’t spoil the surprise by revealing the contents as everyone’s envelope should be arriving home very soon!  Please look out for the letter and let your child know when it arrives to encourage their understanding of the journey a letter takes from a postbox to a home.

We also enjoyed watching this youtube clip about the journey of a letter from a postbox to a front door and it really got us thinking about what happens to a letter once you drop it into the postbox.  We also wondered how letters get overseas when they can’t be driven in vans…

We also read the lovely story of Meerkat Mail about a meerkat looking for a new home, only to discover that his old home isn’t so bad after all.  During his travels, he sends postcards home to his family telling them about his adventures.

 During our phonics lessons this week, we learnt two new sounds ‘f’ and ‘l’.  Here are the mouth shapes and actions for these sounds.

‘L’ is such a tricky sound because the action encourages us to stick our tongues out when actually your tongue should stay in your mouth and touch your top teeth.  Try to think of it as ‘ull’ rather than ‘luh’.

Our new number of the week has been chosen as number:


1 thought on “Walking to the postbox

  1. Ranga very excited to see his letter which arrived today! He happily explained the process of writing the letter, making sure it had the right address, walking to the post-box to mail it etc. He has now asked me to write a letter to him as well 🙂

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