Settling in, Skeletons and Starting our Sounds!

It is hard to believe that we are already here at the end of September! Since the start of term, the children have been doing a fantastic job of settling into their new classroom, making new friends and getting used to the school routine.  We have all been very impressed, so thank you parents and carers for all the support you have given them and us!

Our topic this term is ‘Take a Peek’ and we have been busy ‘taking a peek’ inside our bodies by reading the story of ‘Funny Bones’ and thinking about the things we might find inside our bodies such a bones, a heart, a brain and lungs.  The children were fascinated when they met ‘Fred’, our skeleton, who is currently visiting the classroom and they produced some amazing skeleton pictures of their own!


As we explained at the meet the teacher meeting, the children will have phonics lessons most days this year.  This week, we started these lessons by introducing the idea that letters make sounds and we pulled our very first letter (letter s) out of the sound bag.  We listened carefully to the sound (sssss) that this letter makes.  Please note, our main focus this year is on letter sounds and not letter names, although we do mention these too!

When making the sound, we thought carefully about the shape we make with our mouths and we checked our friends mouth shapes to see if we could see their teeth as they said the sound.

We also used an action to help us remember the sound; we made a snake with our hand as we said the sound.

This sound is the first one within phase 2 of the letters and sounds programme that we follow here at St. Matthew’s.  You can find out more about this phonics programme here:

Remember, you can check how the sounds should sound by watching this video clip:

Weekend Challenge:  look around your house or bedroom…how many things can you find that start with the letter s?  Can you find anything that ends with the letter s?

In our maths lessons, we have been singing lots of number songs.  Here’s one that you might like to sing at home too:

We have also been learning to recognise the different numicon pieces that we will be using to help us with our numbers this year.

Weekend Challenge: can you remember which number is which colour?




Welcome to a New Year in Reception!

A very warm welcome to all the parents and carers of our new Reception class.  We hope you will find this blog useful and that it will help you to support your child’s learning at home.

Many thanks to all of you who came along to the Meet the Teacher meeting yesterday. If you were unable to make it, it is not a problem – please do check your child’s tray next week for copies of the handouts and feel free to ask if you have questions.  You will also find the presentation from the meeting (including our class timetable) here: meet the teacher 2017.

Message for last year’s Reception parents…

Dear last year’s Reception parents/current Year 1 parents,

If you would like to download a zip file of your child’s Seesaw profile from last year please sign into Seesaw and follow the instructions below.  Your child’s profile will be available until half term so if you would like to do this please do so asap!

Many thanks, Miss Cronin.

Please remember any photos you download are for your personal use only – if there are other children in the images please don’t share them on social media – thank you! 

Students who sign into Seesaw using their email address can also download their .zip archive by following these instructions.

Step 1: Sign into your Family account at

Step 2: Click on your Profile Icon on the top left.


Step 3: Click on the Gear Icon.


Step 4: Click on Account Settings.


Step 5: Scroll down and click on Download Journal Archives.


Step 6: Click on the Download Zip button for the journal you want to download. This might take awhile depending on your Internet speed and how many posts your child has in Seesaw.


This is what you get! It is organized by month and then ordered by the date the post was added. You’ll see an html file with a thumbnail, text notes or captions, folder names and links (if the post used the Link item type). You’ll also see the original image, video or audio files.