Coronation Celebrations!

What a wonderful week of Coronation Celebrations we have had at St. Matthews! We have been busy reading stories about King Charles, finding out about the Coronation ceremony itself, making our own bejewelled crowns and competing in the Great St. Matthew’s Bake Off! We were absolutely amazed by all the incredible entries and wanted to send a huge thank you to all of our families for helping us to celebrate with such a delicious assortment of homemade bakes. Thank you so much for your efforts and enthusiasm! The overall winner for Early Years was judged to be one of our nursery children but there were several runners-up in Reception who were recognised for their culinary talents by Mrs Warner in our Coronation Assembly on Friday.

Here are a couple of the stories we read this week that you might like to revisit:

Love2Read with Miss Ellis

Big Reader

We hope everyone is having a lovely Coronation weekend – see you on Tuesday!