10th May 2019

10th May 2019

Dear Parents/Carers

The children have new spellings. One group is looking at changing words ending in ‘ic’ or ‘al’ to ‘ally’. The other group is looking at adding at the /or/ sound spelt ‘a’ before ‘l’ or ‘ll’. They can access their spellings on both SpellingShed and on the sheets I am sending home. TT Rockstars will be changing on Sunday to a new set of times tables.

In Maths this week we have been consolidating our knowledge of fractions. We did two small quizzes at the start of the week and then revised our learning on two of the more difficult steps we looked at – equivalent fractions and comparing fractions. This marks the end of our 6 week block on fractions and next week we will be moving on to time. In Year 3 the children will be learning to tell the time to the nearest minute, how to read both analogue and digital clocks, and reading 12 hour and 24 hour time.

In English we edited and published our acrostic poems. Today we started our new genre of writing – persuasive letters. The end goal will be to write a persuasive letter to the character from our story, Jemmy Button, persuading him to come to London. Today the children had a go at writing persuasive letters to Mr Quinn asking for new additions to our school. If Mr Quinn agrees to all of the requests we could be having swimming pools, trampolines, dance studios, rooftop spas and zip wires built around the school!

In our Topic lesson we learnt about the Blitz and the Battle of Britain. The children had to rush under their tables anytime they heard an air raid siren. In Science we became biologists and explored different skeletons. The children were fascinated to see a crab shedding its exoskeleton. In R.E. we have been exploring Christian pilgrimages around the world.

Half-term Project

The project this half-term is focusing on London. The children need to research something about London to present to the class. They can present it in any form that they choose. Last year we had PowerPoints, posters, models, stories and brochures. I have discussed it with the children and they understand what they need to do. It will be due in the week after half term – the 3rd of June

This letter and the spellings will be uploaded to the Year 3 blog

As always if there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Mr Stocking and the Year 3 team

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