Monthly Archives: June 2019

The Start of the Last Half Term

Dear Parents/Carers

We are now a week into our final half term in Year 3 and the children are well on their way to being prepared for the next step. I wanted to start this week’s letter by saying a big thank you to all of you for supporting the children with their London Projects. All of them were fantastic and we had a wide variety of projects presented and an even wider range of topics. The children seem to have fully immersed themselves into the topic and I could not have been more pleased with how the projects turned out.

Spellings this week are slightly different. The children have a list of common exception words taken from a Year 3 and 4 list of exception words. The ones I have handpicked are words I see lots of the children regularly misspelling in their writing. Times Table rock stars has changed, and I have set the changing times tables for the whole term, so no weeks should be missed. Next week I will be giving the children more focused homework based on the time work we have been doing in Maths.

In maths this week we have needed a week of consolidating our knowledge of time. Unfortunately time is one of those topics where children come into it with a wide range of prior knowledge. This has meant progress on certain topics has been slower than usual, however I wanted to ensure all of the children were secure in their knowledge due to time being a very important skills. This week we have continued to learn about telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks, as well finding durations. Next week we will be having one final week looking at time, with problem solving involving time being more prominent.

In English we have started our new book for the term which is Paddington. Using Paddington we will be writing information pages about London transport and the children will be writing their own Paddington adventure story. Today in our English lesson the children learnt how to write in the present perfect tense, which we will be using in our information pages. In R.E. this week we started our new topic of Islam. The children will be learning about how Muslims live, and the similarities and differences there are between Islam and Christianity. In guided reading we have continued with Mary Poppins.

I hope you had a nice break and it is lovely to see all of the children have returned to school refreshed and revitalised.

This letter and the spellings will be uploaded to the Year 3 blog

As always if there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Mr Stocking and the Year 3 team