Monthly Archives: December 2016

Themistocles and the silver


In 483 BC the Athenians discovered a new, rich seam of silver in their mines at Laurium. There was a great debate in the city as to what to do with the new silver. Because Athens was a democracy, the decision had to be made by the assembly which was made up of all the citizens of Athens.

Themistocles, who has a politician, proposed that the  silver should be spent on constructing two-hundred triremes (three-tiered warships).

The opposition to Themistocles was lead by a wealthy citizen named Aristides who opposed spending the silver on ships and instead proposed that the silver be spread among the citizens of Athens.

Both sides presented their arguments in the assembly and the citizens of Athens voted for or against the proposal.

In Year 6, we have been thinking about which side we would be on and how we could persuade our fellow citizens to vote for our proposal.

In our class assembly, we have been taking votes before our assembly debate which shows Themistocles gathering support:

vote one :

15 votes for Aristides, 5 votes for Themistocles

Vote two:

11 votes for Aristides, 9 votes for Themictocles

Vote three

9 votes for Aristides, 11 votes for Themistocles.

Final Vote of the assembly:

7 votes for Aristides, 16 votes for Themistocles.

The Persian Wars

This week year 6 have been learning about the Persian wars which where a series of conflicts between the Persian Empire and the Greek city states between during the 6th and 5th centuries BC. These were important onflicts in the golden age of Greece as they established Athens as the dominant power in Greece.

The Persian Empire was a super-power in the Eastern Mediterranean. Based in modern-day Iran, the Persian Empire stretched from Greece to Egypt to Pakistan.

In the sixth century BC, the Persian Empire came in to conflict with the Greek City states when they invaded and took control of the Ionian Greek cities. This was the start of the first Greco-Persian war.

To see all of the major events of the First Persian war, click below to download.

Events of the first persian war in order