Category Archives: SATs Questions

Example of SATs papers

Here are some examples of the SATs papers that the children will be sitting.

These are the papers from last year (2016) and they may give you an idea of what the children will be doing in May.


There is one reading paper. The children will be given a reading booklet which contains three different texts that will be from a variety of genres. They will also be given an ‘answer booklet’ which has a range of questions about the three texts in the reading booklet. The children have 1 hour for this paper.

2016 Reading – The reading booklet

2016 Reading – The answer booklet


Grammar Punctuation and Spelling:

There are two papers for the grammar, punctuation and spelling portion of the SATs. The first paper is imaginatively called the ‘questions’ paper. In this paper children will be asked a series of short questions about grammar, punctuation and vocabulary . Children have 45 minutes for this paper. The second paper tests Spelling. In this paper, children are read 20 different words which they have to spell in their answer booklet.

2016 Grammar short answer paper

2016 Spelling paper



There are three papers for maths. The first paper is the arithmetic paper. In this paper children will be given a variety of calculations that they will be asked to solve. This paper tests children operational methods for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication for whole numbers, decimals numbers and fractions. Children have 30 minutes for this paper.

The two other papers are called the ‘reasoning’ papers. In these papers children will be given a variety of questions from across the subject. These question focus more on problem solving and reasoning. Children have 40 minutes for each paper.

2016 Maths Paper 1 – Arithmetic

2016 Maths Paper 2 – Reasoning

2016 Maths Paper 3 – Reasoning