Monthly Archives: October 2016

Medusa and Lasers!


This week we have we learning how to use our knowledge of angles to predict the path of light after it has reflected off a mirror.


We used mirrors to help Perseus reflect the light around the walls of Medusa’s lair so as to  illuminate the gorgon without looking into her deadly eyes.

Prometheus, Archimedes and light

Year Six have been exploring the stories of light in Greek legends. We started by listening to the tragic story of the titan Prometheus and his punishment. Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to humans. This was a noble gesture by the titan, but Zeus was not happy. The king of the gods  punished Prometheus.

We explored why the light this fire provided was so important to the Greeks which lead us to investigate how light travels .

light travelling

This week we have been asking questions about shadows and then testing our own hypotheses .


The last flight of Icarus

His hands were trembling with fear, the evening air surrounded Icarus’ body. His nerves shivered up his spine. He summoned up all his courage. This was it. With a pleading prayer on his lips, he leapt. Down, Down, Down he fell untill he was suddenly saved by a huge gust of wind, that swept him from his death. It guided him from the heavens as if he were an angel.  As Hades reached up to claim is next soul, the hot thermals of Crete caught Icarus’ wings and lifted him from the underworlds’ clench. His delicate wings unfurled and he was once again reunited with his beloved father.

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First and last Flight

Icarus stepped out onto the ledge,his body shook with with fear. with a reassuring look from his father , he slowly stepped  out of the window ledge.

Icarus began to fall with trepidation. Icarus’s wings started to unfurl. He started to get higher and higher and he began to weave in the sky. Icarus began to soar higher and higher until you couldn’t see him anymore and until he reached the sun. his father  gave an angry look, but Icarus didn’t see because he had got higher and higher than the clouds.

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Icarus’ Last Flight

His hands were trembling. The cold air surrounded his body, sending shivers up his spine. He began to feel cold. Icy dread prickled his neck, warning him that danger was near. Something bad was about to happen.

Without any further thought, Icarus summoned up his courage, let out a small prayer to the gods and jumped. The rocks below him were getting closer. Too close. A desperate hope rushed through young Icarus’ body. Just when he was thinking of giving up his piercing cries, a gust of wind picked him up and sent him soaring in the heavenly air.

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Icarus and Daedalus

The thought of life and death made Icarus shake uncontrollably. He was one step away from freedom or the end of his life. A cold wind blew his hair, his heart was pounding. Icarus shut his eyes tight and took one step forwards.

He plummeted to the ground, screams escaping his mouth. Daedelus stood on the ledge, horrifyed at the sight of his son falling. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind caught his wings and carried Icarus away from death. The wind made him feel like an angel, soaring up to the heavens.

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