Icarus and Daedalus

 His first and last flight.

As Icarus stepped out onto the ledge, he felt a cold breeze of wind brush against his face. Shivering uncontrollably, he jumped.

He closed his eyes as he plummeted. With a gasp of relief, the enchanting, pristine wings upon Icarus’ back, unfurled.
Before he could register what happens, he was soaring up, in the blue azure sky. Icarus flew effortlessly, he swirled and looped everywhere in the sky, as if it was his own kingdom.

Icarus’ Father Daedalus was shouting and begging Icarus not to fly to close to the sun, or his wax would melt.

“Icarus, please, come down please!”

“I’m fine Father, I can fly higher than the gods”

Icarus felt bad for not flowing his fathers orders. But he left it. He felt his wings getting lighter,he looked at them.

He was horrified.

The wax was scorching and all melted. He started to panic, all he wanted was to feel safe, that did not happen.

He looked back at his wings, they were Tatared, weak.

He felt himself falling “Help me someone, please please!”

“Father answer me please!”





Before Daedalus heard what Icarus was saying, Icarus was already face to face with the sea.



That was it. His last breath.

3 thoughts on “Icarus and Daedalus

  1. I really like your description of Icarus’ wings because it gives me a sense that they are quite pretty and colourful.
    I also like the way that you created the atmosphere at the end, the short sentences really set the scene.
    Good work, Kristina! 🙂

  2. The short sentences at the end really create atmosphere and tells the reader he is dead in 1 word. It also leaves the reader with lots of questions. Well done! 🙂

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