All posts by Deleted User

Stairways To Heaven

If you travelled halfway across the world over a thousand years ago you would come across a civilisation you probably didn’t even know existed. Even further into the once- thriving cities you would find burnt forests and ancient temples that belonged to the Maya. To build these temples the Maya didn’t just need materials but a large population to farm, mine and build.

To support this vast civilisation the Maya had to hunt and farm to their extent. There farming techniques would depend on where they were located. In the lowlands, the Maya would use the slash and burn technique, this technique would consist of cutting down the trees and burning any excess to create rich soil. However this nutritious soil would only last 10 years so farmers would have to move. Continue reading Stairways To Heaven

Kostas the Warrior

DSC00993Many moons ago in a town now covered by time, there lived a humble warrior named Kostas. Kostas was a kind man with a lion’s courage and strength as large as the gods.

When he was not in battle, Kostas would often spend his spare time teaching the young about the gods. Kostas was the best warrior Marinoz –the town he called home- had ever seen or heard of. He won every single battle he went into coming out with soldiers surrounding him.

What Kostas didn’t know that it wouldn’t be a battle that would kill him.

Kostas awoke in the night screams around him. He slipped on his old clothes and headed outside, thanking the gods he had not been harmed. He stared out across the town he once called home. Wooden houses were strewn across the land leaving citizens begging for the gods. Continue reading Kostas the Warrior

Icarus’ Last Flight

His hands were trembling. The cold air surrounded his body, sending shivers up his spine. He began to feel cold. Icy dread prickled his neck, warning him that danger was near. Something bad was about to happen.

Without any further thought, Icarus summoned up his courage, let out a small prayer to the gods and jumped. The rocks below him were getting closer. Too close. A desperate hope rushed through young Icarus’ body. Just when he was thinking of giving up his piercing cries, a gust of wind picked him up and sent him soaring in the heavenly air.

Continue reading Icarus’ Last Flight

Lonely Planet Guide Book

Greece is a large country with a large coastline stretching from Turkey to Albania. With many seas Greece is a perfect place to go swimming/sailing. Greece is a perfect family holiday, child friendly and a good place for adventure. Long coastlines and a warm temperature means you have lovely beaches for miles. Child friendly, shallow waters means fun for all the family.  Tuck into fresh fish and bread at one of the many restaurants covering the landscape of Greece. Lots of islands means lots of adventure, grab a boat and sail away to over 1400 islands. Lots of mountains is a good way to get an amazing view of the scenic landscape as well as lots of adventures. (One famous mountain is Mount Olympus over 2000m tall. So step inside a world of wonder, in Greece.