Monthly Archives: October 2016

Icarus’s flight

As Icarus stepped onto the ledge, the Aegean breeze rushed to Icarus’s shaken body. This was his chance. As soon as he glimpsed below, he had a sinking feeling in his stomach about what lay ahead. He knew something could go horribly wrong. He knew if he miscalculated, he’d be slashed up by the sharp edged rocks that would lead to his painful death. Suddenly, a deafening screech made Icarus flinch and he could see the sharp rocks drawing near. He prayed and prayed that he wouldn’t be finished the way he foresaw. Time slowed. Icarus was stunned. at the last second, Icarus’s scaly wings unfurled like a bold eagle soaring the Azure sky. He  was proud and relieved on what he had achieved but he still couldn’t believe what his father had done to Icarus. Betrayed. Lost. He was unsure. Continue reading Icarus’s flight


One day Daedalus and his son Icarus went to King Minos’s palace. 

He wanted to build him a maize. Daedalus had completed it took him  one year and one day. Then he found the truth. The maize was a prison for the minoteaur. So he tried to leave but he could not  leave king Minos stood in their way. So they got trapped in the tallest tower Icarus was happy but Daedalus was not. But Daedalus had a plan.

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Icarus and Deadulus

Icarus, who was shaking uncontrollably, stepped onto the slippery ledge. He looked down at the murky yet calm waters below him. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”  Icarus tried to relax himself.

With a reassuring look from his father, Deadulus, he jumped.

Immediately, wind rushed through his hair and his heart began to pound and before he could stop it a deafening scream escaped his mouth.

Continue reading Icarus and Deadulus