Akylus the miner

Many moons ago, there lived a man named Akylus, who dug into the ground to find gold. He resided in Greece and had no wife or children

Akylus loved his town in many ways: he mined for gold and shared it to everyone; he built shrines out of gold for Hades and was very humble.  The Gods loved Akylus because of his and tepidity and gratefulness.

One day, when Akylus was mining, he came across a four legged beast with muscles ripping from its skin. It stood tall and broad in front of Akylus’ eyes. It raged and roared; it leaped onto Akylus but just in time he cat folded out the way, dropping his pick axe next to the beasts feet. This brought fury to Akylus’ mind. He ran at full speed, and knocked the beast of his feet. Akylus grabbed his pick-axe and stabbed into the beast. He picked up the beast and put it into six pieces. With blood all over his hands, Akylus sprang of to Hades’ shrine to offer him the beast.

As he entered the the mine, he found he was standing on the most wonderful, glistening block of gold. He conscientiously dug the outline so that he could have the gold all in one piece.

Next that morning Akylus felt like he should rest because of how hard he had worked the day before.

Weeks past and he was still in his bed; lying in luxury. People were banging on the wall, telling him to come out, though he refused.

He eventually agreed to come out of his house but he had to walk on the peasants clothes as if he were the king. Akylus thought that he was too good to mine, and deserved to be at the top of the hierarchy. Akylus was taking a turn for the worst. Akylus He had stopped mining, building shrines and worshiping Hades.

“Get me more gold,” Akylus demanded. “I want it now.”There is no more gold Lord Akylus; we have searched everywhere

“Do not talk nonsense to me, there is gold under the shrines of Hades.”

“B –b-b but we cannot do that to the God of the underworld the peasant stuttered.”

“Go and do It.” he growled

After that, there were no more shrines in the town of Grades.

That night, Akylus was preparing a speech to perform to the 1,200 people the following day, but he knew something was not right.

The next morning, When Akylus was giving his speech, he felt like his legs were glued to the floor, though he was forcing himself not to look down because the people would not hear him.

After the speech was done, Akylus looked down at the wooden planks and saw that gold was trapping his feet. Suddenly, gold rose from everywhere and formed a statue over Akylus which is still standing today.

2 thoughts on “Akylus the miner

  1. I really enjoyed reading your tragic tale. I particularly liked the paragraph when Akylus is killing the monstrous beast. The description and word choice is really well chosen – “it stood tall and broad in front of his eyes” and “this bought fury to Akylus’ mind”.
    I also like your use of colons.
    Well done.

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