
Many years ago in a far of island incolfed in time there lay a small village called Semof. in the village was a hut and in that hut lived Femnos the brave. One day the village was attacked by Macnot a nabering village. The solders of Semof but up a desperate fight agains the invaders but to no avail. the attakers put the Semof under sige. Semof’s solders had no stomach for another fight and many villagers were slaughtered. Howerver Femnos could not bere to see his village burn. So he prayed to Athena and Ares for the strength he needed in battle.

The next day Femnos ralled the ramaning solders to combat the attackers. they charged against them. Femnos fought like a lion and cut down many of the raiders. however Femnos found himself sourounded by the attakers. He wispered a pray to Ares then flung his spear into a raiders chest. He found himself sourounded again but this time he had no wepons. Then he felt power and rage fill him and he leapt on the solders fighting them beare handed. Until he was the only person standing. Femnos reaterened to the village a hero. The villagers praised him but Femnos was not pleased he was reastles to take revenge Macnot’s.

A couple of weeks later Femnos could not bear the stress any more so he went to the king and requested that they attack the enemy. The king agreed, he also said Femnos could lead the attack.

Semof’s fleet sailed on to Macnot. But the villagers of Macnot fired arrows and hurled rocks. One punched through Femnos’s ship and it sunk but Femnos mannaged to swim back to Semnof’s bank barely alive. However he declared that he would arrange another attack but the villages warned him not to. Femnos did not listen to then and declared them cowards.

Two moths later he had built up his forces and set off to the village again. As the soldiers came closer to the Village one of Femnos’s men told him that there was no way of the fleet  landing. But Femnos said that he did not care and he would have his revenge no matter what the costs were. The villagers started to pelt the fleet with rocks again.  However Femnos bellowed at them calling them cowards, saying he would kill them. Then the solders jumped from their ships and stormed the village. He slaughtered the villages. Femnos picked up rocks and threw them at the soldiers. Femnos cut and hacked his way through the villagers and soldiers until he came face to face with an opposing soldier. Femnos was about to strike  the soldier, but the soldier pleaded with him.  Femnos had no mercy and cut him down where he stood. “My father Zeus will avenge me.”

Femnos laughed “I have no fear of the gods any more for I am stronger than even your father Zeus.”

Femnos and his soldiers burnt the city to the ground and killed all of the stragglers left in the village. Then one of Femnos’s warriors came to him and said we should at least bury them. “They do not deserve to be buried.” Femnos simply replied.

Femnos returned to Semof a changed man. He no longer cared for the villagers but the villagers loved him and said he was the bravest of all the heroes in Greece. As time went on he began to think of himself as the bravest warrior and his pride grew he began to think of himself as a god. Then one day an old man hobbled into the city. He stumbled up to Femnos “Are you the who thinks he is the bravest of heroes Femnos?”

Rasped the old man.

“Yes I am what do you want?”

Femnos replied distainfully.

“I have come to challange you to a sword fight do you accept my challenge?”

questioned the man.

“I do.”

smerked Femnos.

So they took up there positions There eyes looked. Then Femnos lunged The ancient man blooked the attack whith his staf and to Femnoses horror his sword shatered. Then the old man sliced of Femnos’s hands in one single movment. Then kicked him from the ledge. Femnos fell to the ground kripeling his leg. Looked up dazed. “Now I have avenged my son and you have letrent your lesson.”

The old man boomed.

Femnos just lay there in desper he had loost his only talent: Fighting.



2 thoughts on “Femnos

  1. I really like your tragic story Will!
    ‘Femnos just lay there in desper he had lost his only talent: Fighting.’

    I like how he has lost all of his talent and he has nothing left in his life!

    Well Done!

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