Dear Parents and Carers
The children have had a very different week in school this week. We started the week with the children becoming actors and the teachers becoming directors as we filmed our Christmas show. Thank you for the fantastic costumes, all of the children looked excellent! The children were wonderful role models to the younger children in Year 1 and we are all very proud of them. Photos from the show will be uploaded to the blog next week.
For the rest of the week we have been preparing and writing our detailed letters to Father Christmas. The children will publish their letters on Monday and Tuesday and we will be walking to the post box on Wednesday to post them home. This is an excellent opportunity for you to see some of the lovely writing the children have been doing this term. If you haven’t already, please can you send in an addressed envelope with a stamp by Tuesday 15th December.
In maths, we have finished our learning for this term and are now consolidating all of our learning through practical activities and various number games. In RE, the children learnt about and created Christingles. Next week we will be finishing off the topics that we have been looking at in Geograpgy, RE, music and Science.
Next week we will also be having our Christmas party. This will take place on Wednesday 16th December. They must bring in their clothing in a named bag on Monday 14th December so that it is able to be left for 48 hours before our party on Wednesday. Due to COVID guidance, the children must bring in their own party food for them to eat by themselves. They can bring the food in a snack box and will have the opportunity to eat it in the afternoon. Please remember the food must not contain any traces of nuts, peanuts or seeds.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Stocking, Mrs Killy and Mrs Fenwick