Story Boxes

This week we enjoyed making our fairy tale story boxes. We used a variety of materials when making our beautiful creations.

Here are our fantastic story boxes. Can you guess the fairy tale?

In maths this week we have been completing our termly assessments to consolidate all of our learning.

This week we have enjoyed learning about Jan’s sock balls, Nicole’s cuddly called Leia, Finn’s space explorer, Ben’s toy car called Lightning McQueen and Caitie’s game called Sleeping Queens.  The new rota will start after the half term holiday.

We hope you all have a restful break,

The Year One Team

Into the Forest

This week we wrote our own version of a modern fairy tale by retelling the story of ‘Into the Forest’.

The children planned the story on a story map and then wrote their version on Thursday. We were all blown away by the descriptive detail the children included in their writing. They used included lots of descriptive details to make their stories interesting and should feel extremely proud of all of their hard work.

In music we have been reading the story of ‘Peter and the Wolf’.

We chose instruments to reflect each character’s movements and personalities.

Here’s a video of us experimenting with the different instruments:

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

In maths we have been reviewing the key skills taught this term by consolidating our reasoning and problem solving skills.

Next Wednesday (13th February) we will be making a fairy tale story box. The children will need to bring in a shoe box (or a small box) that can be used to create the fairy tale setting. A few examples are below:

In phonics we have been learning the sounds:

air (chair, fair)

are (care, stare)

ear (tear, fear)

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:

This week we have enjoyed learning about Nicky’s trophy, Elizabeth’s monkey called ‘Blue’, Eddie’s bouncy ball, Toby’s penguin, Theo’s remote controlled dinosaur and Guy’s medal. Next week it is the turn of the Billy Goats Gruff table (Ben, Nicole, Caitie, Jan and Finn) for Show and Tell.

Congratulations to Lewis who was named this week’s Star Writer and to Caitie who was appointed the role of Year 1 Faith Champion. Lewis has worked incredibly hard on the presentation of his work and includes exciting and varied adjectives in his descriptions. It was very hard to choose one Faith Champion so Caitie should feel very proud.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team


A Magic Cauldron

This week we have read the story of ‘Hansel and Gretel’.


We learnt about the villainous witch and thought about what potions she could be concocting in her cottage.  We thought of our own recipe for a potion and then wrote these recipes as a set of instructions. Here are our ideas:

” A potion to make you fall in love.” Caitie

“A potion to turn you into a lizard.” Finn

“A potion to make you be forgotten.” Ben

“A potion to make you explode in colours.” Jan

“A potion to  turn you into a unicorn mermaid.” Nicole

“A potion to turn you into a basket.” Toby

“A potion to turn you into a frog.” Guy

“A poisonous potion.” Eddie

“A potion that makes you explode.” (Nicky)

“A potion to turn you into a pikachu.” Theo

“A potion that if you drink it will attack you.” Elizabeth

“A potion to turn you into a spider.” Gabriel

“A potion that makes you poisonous.” Marcus

“A potion to turn you into a fang.” Sean

“A potion to turn you into a newt.” George

“A potion that makes you bubbly.” Lewis

“A potion to turn you into a shower.” Issa

“A potion to turn you invisible.” Eliza

“A potion to make you blast off into space.” Ranga

“A potion to make you explode.” Albie

“A potion to make you fall in love.” Grace

“A potion to make you turn red.” Caroline

“A potion to turn you into a fighting robot.” Jiyong

“A potion to make you fall in love.” Lilly

“A potion to turn you into an exploding monster.” Matilda

“A potion to turn you into a fairy.” Lucy

“A potion to you into Ben 10.” Levi

“A potion to shrink people.” Lenny

“A potion to turn into a giant, ugly monster.” Valeri

In our reading sessions we have been comparing traditional and modern fairy tales. Using our core text ‘Into the Forest’ and ‘Shrek’ we have looked at the similarities and differences between stories such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and fairy tales that are written today.

In maths we have been using numicon to calculate related addition and subtraction facts.

E.g. If 7+3=10, then 3+7=10, 10-3 =7, and 10-7=3

We call these number facts ‘fact families’.

In science we enjoyed learning about the parts of a plant you can eat, although not everyone was a fan of the radish!

In phonics we have been learning the sounds:


sh (shop, wish)

ch (church, chip)

ea (tea, sea)

ar (star, car)

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:

On Wednesday 13th February we will be making a fairy tale story box. The week commencing Monday 11th February the children will need to bring in a shoe box (or a small box) that can be used to create the fairy tale setting. A few examples are below:

This week we have enjoyed learning about Sean’s monkey ‘Fluffy’, Lewis’s bat light, George’s book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and squirrel ‘Fluffy’, Gabriel’s ‘Switch-Go Dino’ called ‘Akuna’, Issa’s train set and Marcus’s Lego car.  Next week it is the turn of the Gingerbread Man table (Guy, Toby, Nicky, Elizabeth, Theo and Eddie) for Show and Tell.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team