Woodland Explorers

Finding a Special Place

This week was the first of our woodland adventures and what a windy start it was!
The first thing we had do to in our groups was discover a special place and have it ready for story time. We all had such different ideas about how to make each place unique from fires for cooking, ornaments for decoration and even insect rooms! Here are some of our special places...

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After a woodland story in our dens we then all met up at 'basecamp' for snack time and a chance to warm up with some warm milk.


The second part of the morning was all about TREES and we learnt two very big words; Deciduous and Evergreen. We ran around the woods spotting deciduous and evergreen trees. Some of us even managed to work out what type of trees they were by looking at the leaves.

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SAM_1241This is an evergreen tree. We know this because even in Winter the tree still has leaves on its branches. Evergreen trees keep leaves all year round.

This is a deciduoIMG_7349us tree , can you see all the leaves that have fallen to the ground? Most deciduous trees lose their leaves in Autumn when they change colour and then fall to the ground.

When we got back to school we had lots more investigating to do, plus we had to get everything we had discovered down in our new woodland scrapbooks!

See you next week for some woodland shopping.

From Miss M and The Woodland Explorers x