Today Was The Most Catastrophic Day!

This week we have  been busy bees! On Monday the children wrote their diary entry as Mr Grinling describing the catastrophic day when he locked Hamish in the lighthouse. We were so impressed by the descriptive details the children included in their writing.

In maths this week we have been reviewing our learning by completing our termly maths assessments. These are a way to review our learning and help us get ready for Year Two.

In science we have been learning how animals produce offspring that grow into adults. We have looked at various animals and drawn a life cycle of a butterfly. Below is an example of the children’s work by Lily D.

Over the next two weeks we will be looking at how humans grow and change. Please could the children bring in a photograph of them as a baby or toddler to share with the class.

Congratulations to Miti who has been chosen to represent our class in the School Council poetry competition on Monday. He will be performing the poem ‘Nobody Loves Me’. Well done Miti.

Please note that next week will be the last week we will be sending out books.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Catastophe!

This week we have read the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Catastrophe’ where poor Mr Grinling loses the key to the lighthouse. We have sequenced the key events of the story and next week we will be writing a diary entry as Mr Grinling recounting the day.

In maths we have been reviewing partitioning by identifying the place value of each digit in a number including zero. We have then developed our reasoning skills by solving worded problems.

This week we have started getting ready for Sport’s Day by practising the different events.

In R.E we have been learning about symbolism in the Jewish faith. Miss Barnham showed the class various objects that are important to the Jewish faith and the children learnt about their symbolism.


The School Councillors are organising an ‘off by heart’ poetry competition which will take place on Monday 2nd July. The children have been given  two poems to choose from which they can practise at home. The two poems the children can choose from are:

I Think I’ll Go and Eat Worms

Nobody loves me,

Everybody hates me,

I think I’ll go and eat worms.

Great big fat ones,

Long thin skinny ones,

And the gravy goes



Witch, Witch

“Witch, witch, where do you fly?”                                                                                         “Under the clouds and over the sky.”

“Witch, witch, what do you eat?”                                                                                           “Little, black apples from Hurricane Street.”

“Witch, witch, what do you drink?”                                                                                     “Vinegar, blacking and good red ink.”

“Witch, witch, where do you sleep?”                                                                                    “Up in the clouds where pillows are cheap.”


On Monday 25th June we will be performing these poems in class, with one child (or pair if the children have decided to perform it as a pair) being chosen to perform it in the competition.

It is with great sadness that we heard of the passing of Alex Merriman, our Chair of Governors. Mother Helen spoke to the children this morning in assembly where we read a prayer for Alex and his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with everybody during this terribly sad time.

We hope you all have a good weekend,

The Year One Team



“Down There Under The Sea”

We hope you enjoyed the children’s assembly all about the seaside. The facts about the animals were taken from the children’s work as were the descriptions about the sounds at the seaside. The children have worked really hard to remember all of the songs and poems and should feel extremely proud about how clearly and confidently they spoke.

This week we have written our set of instructions to teach Mr Grinling how to make the seaside salsa. We then followed our set of instructions and made the salsa in class. We enjoyed eating it!

In maths we have been revising place value and have looked at the different ways we can represent numbers. We will be continuing with this learning next week.

Next week it is the turn of the jellyfish table for Show and Tell (Benedict, Megan, Lily V and Erin).

We hope to see lots of you at the Summer Fair.

Have a great weekend,

The Year One Team

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside…

Welcome back to our final half term in Year 1. We hope you all had a restful and sunny break.

This week we have continued learning about the seaside and have started our new core text ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. This is a story about a hardworking lighthouse keeper called Mr Grinling and the adventures he has at work.

In English we have been learning how to write a set of instructions. On Tuesday we each followed a set of instructions to make a ‘rainbow fish’. We then used this experience to help us decide ‘what makes a good set of instructions’.


We are going to write a set of instructions for Mr Grinling to teach him how to make a ‘seaside salsa’. On Friday we helped Miss Luetchford make the salsa to learn each of the steps required to make the dish.

In maths we have been learning about position and direction. We have used the language of ‘left, right, quarter turn and half turn’ when describing the direction of an object. We then created a class map and used co-ordinates to locate the position of an object.

In phonics we have been revising the sounds we have learnt this year. Below is a website which has a selection of phonic games that the children can play at home ready for our phonics quiz next week.

Next week we will be performing our class assembly all about the seaside. The children have been given a letter describing their costume for the assembly. Please could the children arrive at school wearing their costume the day of the assembly with their school clothes packed in a carrier bag. If you have any questions about the costume, please come and ask a member of our team.

Next week it is the turn of the shark table for Show and Tell (Edward, Aaron, Lily D, Bella and Sofia).

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team