Year Two Blog Friday 28th January 2022


Dear Parents/Carers

This week we have been learning about pictograms in maths. We learnt how to read pictograms and also had a go at creating our own. We also continued to deepen our understanding of division using sharing and grouping.

In english we have Vlad and the Great Fire of London. This week we made story maps and then re-told the story using our maps. We revised statement, command, exclamation and question sentences. We focused on formulating questions about statements we read as well as asked questions about funny pictures.

In science, we are talking about changes as part of our topic on Animals, including humans. We brought science to life – acting out the lifecycle of a frog. The four stages 1. Frogspawn 2. Tadpole 3. Froglet and 4. Adult Frog. We have also talked about the human and butterfly lifecycle in previous lessons.

Today was crazy hair day! We had lots of fun and looked great! We would like to thank everyone for contributing and making a donation.

Have a great weekend

Miss Bennett, Mrs Bibby, Mrs Killy and Mrs Glanville

A Letter From a King

This week we read the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. After we had finished the story we were surprised to receive a letter from the King asking for our help. 

We had a class discussion debating whether Jack should be allowed to keep the money or if he should be made to pay it back.  We then wrote letters to the King explaining our thinking.

In history we continued learning about changes over time by focussing on toys. We looked at a selection of toys from the past and talked about how they were similar and different to toys we play with today. Next week, we will make our own toy from the past- a ball in a cup.

Exploring the spinning top
Miss Luetchford’s board game
Ball in a cup
Enjoying the flick book
Mrs Sharon’s doll collection
Trying out the ball in a cup

This week we have learnt the ‘ur’ sound (nurse with a purse).

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂

Year Two Blog Friday 21st January 2022

Dear parents and caregivers

We have had a super start to the Spring term. We have been doing many interesting things.

In maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division and the relationship between them. We have been learning our 2, 5, and 10 times tables and will continue to revise them.

In topic this term, we are learning about The Great Fire of London.

In English, we have been reading The Great Fire, City In Flames. This is linked to topic. We are looking forward to reading chapter 3 next week.

Please remember that there are new spelling lists put up weekly on Spelling Shed. This week our focus was on adding ‘-er’ and ‘-est’ to the end of words which end in y. The y is changed to an i then add ‘-er’ or ‘-est’ eg. happy will become happier and happiest.

Below is the login

It is important that students spend at least 5 minutes a day revising spelling rules. We are able to see who has been using Spelling Shed – it really does make all the difference.

Our class loves science! This week we had lots of fun being curious about how our bodies are effected by exercise. We measured our pulse after doing various exercises (walking, jogging and running) and observed how our pulse changed. We also discussed what parts of the body we used and how we felt after exercising.

Have a great weekend


Miss Bennett, Mrs Bibby, Mrs Killy and Mrs Glanville

Into the Forest

We read the story ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne. The story is about a young boy who needs to deliver cakes to his grandma. To get to his grandmother’s house he needs to walk through a strange and mysterious forest. Along the way he encounters various fairy tale characters. When we read the story we noticed that there were also fairy tale items hidden throughout the forest.

In science we learnt about the different parts of a plant we can eat, although not everyone was a fan of the celery. We then used these different parts to make coleslaw.

This week we have learnt the sound ‘are’ (care and share).

Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise these sounds:

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂



Have You Seen These Fairytale Villains?

This week we wrote our wanted posters describing fairy tale villains. We worked hard to include descriptive vocabulary such as ‘elegant’, ‘smart’ and ‘tatty’ to describe their appearance and ‘sneaky’ and ‘sly’ to describe their characteristics.

In maths we have been learning how to find and make number bonds within 20.

In science we have been learning about the different parts of a plant and their function.

In art we have been learning about the artist William Morris.

We will be making our own William Morris inspired painting. This week we focused on sketching leaves and flowers from observation.

In phonics we have learnt the ‘aw’ sound (yawn at dawn). Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise these sounds:

We hope you have a restful weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂

Into the Woods

Welcome back to the Spring Term, we hope you all had a restful Christmas break. Thank you so much for your kind words in our cards and generous gifts, it was very thoughtful of you all.

This week we have started our new topic ‘Into The Woods’. We read the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

We wrote adjectives to describe the wolf’s appearance and characteristics. Next week we will be writing wanted posters to help people catch this villain.

In science we have begun our new topic ‘Plants’. We went on a plant hunt to observe the different plants we have growing at our school.

We opened a special time capsule that had been found in Mrs Sharon’s garden. We looked at the items and used the clues to help us think about who had buried the time capsule.

This week we have been reviewing our sounds.

Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise these sounds:

We hope you have a restful weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂