It’s A Kind of Magic

What an exciting week we’ve had in Year 1. This week we have been participating in our school’s Book Week with the theme of ‘magic’. On Tuesday we met Pippa Goodhart  who has written the ‘Just Imagine’ series and some of the Winne the Witch books. She told us about her life as an author and shared some of her stories with us.

On Wednesday we participated in a ‘Shakespeare’ workshop where we learnt the story of ‘The Tempest’. We then performed the story as a school in the hall.

On Wednesday we also had a special visitor in the form of a baby condor! It was really exciting to learn lots of facts about condors and to see one up close. A huge thank you to Leon’s dad Mr Bloch for organising.

In class we have read the book ‘Flotsam’ by David Wiesner. In the story a young boy finds an old camera discarded on the beach. He decides to develop the photographs and when he looks at them he realises that the camera has taken photographs of magical underwater worlds.

We used various materials to make our own magical underwater setting. We then used Miss Luetchford’s old polaroid camera to take a photograph of our setting.



Using the poem ‘The Sound Collector’ we imagined what sounds we would hear in these magical settings. We then wrote our own version of the poem.

In the story ‘Flotsam’ the boy finds various items left on the beach. We investigated which items would float and which items would sink.  We then conducted an experiment to learn about density. We poured washing up liquid, honey, oil and water into glass and observed carefully what happened to the liquids.

In maths we have been learning about how to divide a shape into a fraction. We have learnt that fractions is the same as ‘equal pieces’.

Tomorrow we will be participating in a whole school activity day to close our exciting Book Week. The children need to arrive at school wearing their P.E kit.

We hope you have a lovely half term,

The Year One Team.

Dear Prince Charles…

This week we have written letters to Sir David Attenborough and Prince Charles to tell them our ideas on how to reduce our plastic waste. We learnt the key features of a formal letter and are hoping to receive a reply soon!

In maths we have been learning how to halve and divide amounts. We have learnt that divide means sharing equally and have drawn pictures to help us solve a division equation.

In art we have been learning about the artist Lowry and his seascape paintings. We used pastels to create our own Lowry inspired sea side picture.

This week the children earned their class treat for all of their hard work and enjoyed a tasty ice-cream in the classroom. Well done Willow Class.

Next week is our ‘Book Week’ where we will participating in various exciting activities.

Next week it is the turn of the merpeople table for Show and Tell (Harry, Harrison, Miti, Chris and Levi).

We hope you all enjoy watching the Royal Wedding at the weekend. Today we enjoyed learning about the Royal Family tree.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team.

A Plastic Problem

This week we have been learning about plastic pollution in our oceans.

Did you know that scientists predict there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish by 2050 if we don’t do something soon? In Willow Class we felt that this is something we need to change.

We designed persuasive posters to explain to people what is happening and how people can help. Next week we will be writing a formal letter to tell people how to reduce our plastic waste.

In maths we have been learning how to double numbers. We have learnt that double 6 is the same as 6 + 6 or 6 x 2. We drew pictures to help us solve the equation and some of us began to use our knowledge of partitioning to help us double two-digit numbers.

E.g. Double 24:

Double 20 = 40

Double 4 = 8

40 + 8 = 48

Last week we were able to visit the Year 4 and 5 Science Fair. We enjoyed participating in lots of experiments and learning about gravity, friction and magnetism. Thank you to Mr Peck for organising such a fun afternoon.

Next week it is the turn of the killer whale table for Show and Tell (Nelson, Matilda, Lucas, Shinjiro and Finn).

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team

We Are Explorers

This week we enjoyed our trip to the Natural History Museum. The rainy weather cleared away which allowed us to explore the garden in the bright sunshine. We used our special explorer packs to help us search for mini-beasts and different plant life. After learning about the various animals and their habitats, we then explored the museum.

In English we wrote our newspaper reports describing the day the whale got stuck on the beach. We are going to edit these reports and publish them for our topic books.

In maths we have been learning how to sort amounts into equal groups. Next week we will continue this, as we learn how to divide numbers.

Next week it is the turn of the crab table for Show and Tell (Ella, Kallum, Leon, Cruz and Isabella).

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team