What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

This week we have been learning how to read and record time on an analogue clock. We each made a clock face to help us learn how to read o’clock, half past and quarter past the hour. We then recorded various times on an analogue clock face.

In science we have learnt how humans change and grow. Using our baby photos, we looked at how our bodies have changed and discussed what we couldn’t do as a baby and what we can do now. We then thought about how we will change when we grow into adults.


On Monday we will be celebrating our school’s French Day. The children need to come into school wearing the colours of the French flag: blue, white and red.  Please can the children bring a donation of £1.00.

Next Thursday we will be sending the children’s books home. Please can they come into school with a named plastic bag so that the children are able to carry their books home.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

How To Be A Lighthouse Keeper

This week Mr Grinling needed our assistance to help train a new lighthouse keeper. We have written a guide explaining what a lighthouse keeper does, described their uniform and written sentences detailing some of the jobs that you need to do as a lighthouse keeper.

In maths we have been learning about money. We have learnt to identify and explain the value of each coin. We have the investigated the different ways you can make a total.

On Monday we watched the School Council’s ‘Off By Heart’ poetry competition. Miti represented our class and read his poem beautifully for the audience. Well done to the Year Two children who were the overall winners.

On Friday afternoon we received some exciting post! It was a letter from Prince Charles thanking the children for their letters detailing the plastic pollution facing our oceans.

As the letters arrived Friday during going up time, we will hand the letters out on Monday.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team