Book Week

What an exciting week we’ve had in Year 1. This week we have been participating in our school’s Book Week with the theme of ‘pure imagination’.

On Tuesday as a school, we participated in various activities. With Miss Dyer and Miss Luetchford we used the poem ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright as inspiration and drew various items that we would put into this magical box. With Miss Manhire and Mr Stocking we played exciting games on the field. Mr Peck and Miss Radi organised some fabulous music and drama workshops where we learnt the poem ‘Nobody Loves, Everybody Hates me’ and finally with Mrs Warner and Mrs Bibby, we made our own Jabberwockys from plasticine.  It was such an exciting day.

On Wednesday we participated in a ‘poetry and drama’ workshop where we learnt the poem ‘The Jabberwocky’. We then performed the poem in the hall.

On Friday we met the poet Stewart Henderson  who has written the ‘Poetry Emotion’ series. He told us about his life as a poet and taught how to write different poems. Ours was about a lost gorilla!

A huge thank you to the PTA for funding the exciting workshops and author visit for us. It really helped to make the week such a fantastic experience for the children.

In class we have read the book ‘Flotsam’ by David Wiesner. In the story a young boy finds an old camera discarded on the beach. He decides to develop the photographs and when he looks at them he realises that the camera has taken photographs of magical underwater worlds.

We used various materials to make our own magical underwater setting. Using the poem ‘The Sound Collector’ we imagined what sounds we would hear in these magical settings. We then wrote our own version of the poem.

Thank you to all of the children who brought in a book to share during Book Week. It was so wonderful to hear about the different books the children enjoy reading at home.

This week we have enjoyed learning about Lenny’s encyclopedia, Ben’s football, Marcus’s seal, Caroline’s seal and postcard, Eliza’s teddy and Theo’s rubix cube and slinky.

After half term, it is the turn of the jellyfish table for Show and Tell (Lily, Elizabeth, Eddie, Jan, Matilda and Lucy).

We hope you have a lovely half term,

The Year One Team.

Whale Experts!

This week, we wrote our amazing information pages all about whales. We made sure to include a short, snappy title and of course lots of interesting facts.

Next week is our ‘Book Week’ where we will participating in various exciting activities. Miss Luetchford has a mystery book that we will be using throughout the week to stimulate our writing. We look forward to the book being revealed on Monday.

In maths we have been learning how to double numbers. We have learnt that double 6 is the same as 6 + 6 or 6 x 2. We drew pictures to help us solve the equation and some of us began to use our knowledge of partitioning to help us double two-digit numbers.

E.g. Double 24:

Double 20 = 40

Double 4 = 8

40 + 8 = 48

We have started to learn about division and will continue this learning next week.

In art we have been learning about the artist Lowry and his seascape paintings. We used pastels to create our own Lowry inspired sea side picture.

In phonics we have been revising the following sounds:

  • oa (goat, boat)
  • oe (toe)
  • o-e (phone, home)
  • ow (blow, snow)

Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise these sounds:

This week we have enjoyed learning about Albie’s pokemon book, Grace’s dolls, Coco’s teddies, Ranga’s picture and Nicky’s teddies. Next week it is the turn of the shark table for Show and Tell (Ben, Lenny, Marcus, Caroline, Theo and Eliza).

Congratulations to Year 5 on their amazing assembly about the Victorians. We especially liked all of the songs.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

Wonderful Whales

This week we have been learning all about whales, including a humpback whale which features in our class text ‘The Snail and the Whale’.

Did you know that humpback whales can grow up to 16 metres long? However, this is nothing compared to the blue whale, which can grow up to a staggering 30 metres long. We have organised our facts by generating ideas for different sub-headings to use in our information pages next week. Be sure to quiz us on our fascinating whale facts.

In maths we have been learning how to double numbers. We used a range of concrete resources such as numicon, dienes and counters to show that doubling is the same as multiplying by 2.

In science we have continued learning about animals including humans. This week we compared a human to a different animal, noting any similarities and differences.

In phonics we have been reviewing the following sounds:

ee (see)

ea (tea)

e-e (eve)

ey (monkey)

-y (happy)

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:

This week we enjoyed learning about Issa’s cuddly Pluto, Levi’s pictures, George’s robot hamster ‘Tubby’ and Gabriel’s book ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. Next week it is the turn of the Merpeople table (Albie, Grace, Coco, Nicole L, Sean and Ranga) for Show and Tell.

We hope you have a restful weekend,

The Year One Team

Willow Class Explorers

This week we had our fantastic class assembly where we took St Matthew’s on a tour of the world’s rainforests. The children recalled their fascinating facts and then retold the story of Where the Wild Things Are. Everyone spoke with a  clear voice, but we missed Lewis who had injured his arm. We hope you get better soon Lewis!


In English this week, we wrote our newspaper reports describing what happened when the whale got stuck on the beach. The children worked hard to include a snappy headline and the key information.

In maths we have been learning how to represent a multiplication equation as an array. Next week we will be learning how to double numbers.

In phonics we have been revising the following sounds:

aw (yawn, dawn)

or (door)

au (caught, haunt)

Below is a link to a series of games that the children can play to practise these sounds:

This week we enjoyed learning about Caitie’s light up lamp, Toby’s cricket ball, Jiyong’s Power Ranger, Finn’s moon ball and toy.  Next week it is the turn of the crab table (Levi, Issa, George, Gabriel, Lewis and Guy) for Show and Tell.

We hope you have a restful weekend,

The Year One Team