Year 3 and 4 Sport’s Day

Today we enjoyed our Sport’s Day for Years 3 and 4. The children showed great sportsmanship as they cheered each other on and completed each activity.

Thank you so much to Mrs Bibby for organising this brilliant day for us all.

The Year 3 and 4 Team 🙂


KS1 Sports Day Fun

Today we enjoyed our KS1 Sport’s Day. The children loved working through the carousel of activities  and showed great sportsmanship as they cheered each other on.

Congratulations to Mr Stocking who (only just) won the KS1 Teachers’ Race. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Thank you so much to Mrs Bibby for organising this brilliant day for us all.

The KS1 Team 🙂

Garden and Animal Explorers

Last week we enjoyed our visit to Kew Gardens. We went on a picture treasure hunt where we explored the gardens and then had lots of fun in the Children’s Garden.

This week we were very lucky when we got to meet and learn about some farm animals. Thank you to Miss Cronin for organising this lovely visit.

During our Victorian workshop in June we learnt the story ‘How the Ice-Cream Got its Cone’. This week we retold the story in our English Books.

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have learnt this year.

There are words containing a variety of sounds for the children to practise reading and spelling available on the Spelling Shed website:


We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂

Florence Nightingale Museum on Monday!

Dear Parents/Carers

The children have had a an excellent week of learning and finishing up work after our busy test filled week the week before.

The children started our last maths topic on mass and capacity, learning how to weigh objects in grams and kilograms.  We thought of questions to ask Florence Nightingale in Topic and wrote a diary as if we were Florence in English. In Art, the children practised printing different shapes using various colours.

Next week we have an activity filled week for our final full week in Year 2. On Monday, we are going to the Florence Nightingale Museum. A quick reminder that the children need a packed lunch, and will be wearing their normal school uniform with their school hat. On Thursday, the children will be meeting farm animals and on Friday we are having our sports day.  Amongst these exciting days, we will be finishing our maths and topic for Year 2 and we will be starting to prepare the children for the transition to key stage 2!

Have a lovely weekend, (It’s coming home!)

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

SATs are finished!

Dear Parents/Carers

This week the children have sat their end of year assessments. We delivered them as mock SATs, with the children answering a previous years paper. We have spent a lot of time preparing the children for this and they worked incredibly hard, and everyone is very proud of them. The children showed fantastic resilience and determination to work through several tough tests. The children sat 2 maths tests (arithmetic and reasoning), 2 reading tests, a spelling test, and a punctuation and grammar test. The results of which will be in their school report at the end of the year. 

Today the children spent the day doing different fun activities. We had a rock-based music lesson, a drama lesson in which the children become news anchors and earlier in the week we practised team building using the parachute. Outside of our assessments, the children completed our last RSE lesson, in which we learnt the correct names for most body parts. The children completed their Windrush Day kites in art and we learnt about food chains in science.

Next week, we will be returning to a semblance of normality,. We will be finishing our time learning and beginning our final maths topic of Year 2 – capacity and volume. In English we will be looking at several famous women from the book Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History. In guided reading we will be reflecting on our favourite books and talking about what we like and dislike about them. In R.E. we will be finishing our look at Buddhism and in Science we will be ending our habitats topic.

Have a lovely and restful weekend, the children have certainly earned it!

Mr Stocking and Mrs KIlly

Another Busy Week in Year One

This week we have been writing information pages about Windrush Day. We learnt about the Windrush Generation and the importance of the day.

In R.E we drew a storymap to sequence the Creation Story. Next week we will be starting our new R.E unit about Judaism.

On Wednesday, the Year Sixes’ performed a few of their songs from the show ‘Alfie’.  Year One loved it, especially ‘A Hard Knock Life’. Well done Year Six.

In phonics we have been reviewing the following sounds:

aw (yawn at dawn)

or (shut the door)

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:


Please note that this week bookbags will be sent out later than usual.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂