Dear Parents and Carers
The children have returned to school this week ready to continue their learning with excellent energy and enthusiasm. They have showed excellent resilience in these difficult times and I am very proud of all of them.
This week we have started looking at our new story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. It is a wordless picture book that has already inspired fantastic and imaginative writing from all the children. Using Journey (and it’s sequels Quest and Return) we will be writing stories, acrostic poems, wanted posters and letters over the course of this half term.
You can watch the story with your child here:
In maths, we have been learning how to complete 2 digit addition and subtraction. The children have been learning the column method in conjunction with the practical methods they already know. We will be doing more of this next week to consolidate the children’s learning.
In RE, we have been thinking about Remembrance Day. The children made their own poppy wreaths that you will be able to see below. In Science, we have started to learning about animals and humans. This week we recapped some of our learning from Year 1 on the different animal groups. In music, we looked at our new Christmas themed song for this half term. In geography, we started looking at Australia, and comparing landmarks and features in Australia and the Isle of Wight.
Spellingshed has been set for this week, I have also showed the children exactly which lessons to complete on maths shed if they want to practise their addition and subtraction at home.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy