This week we have been learning how to write a description of a setting. Bob had landed on a strange and mysterious planet and needed our help in describing what he could see. We thought of adjectives to describe this unknown setting. We then wrote these descriptions as sentences in our books.
In maths we have been learning how to compare numbers and amounts using the mathematical symbols < > =
In science we learnt about see through and not see through materials.
We then used this knowledge to select the best material to create a shadow puppet.
This week the children took home their weekly reading books. The books will need to be returned on a Wednesday so that the children can take home a new set on Thursday. Please see the attached letter explaining how books are distributed in KS1.
In phonics we have been learning the following sounds:
air (fair, stair)
ir (bird, girl)
or (for)
There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:
There is also a maths challenge for the children to play where they revise their number bonds to 10.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂