This week we have been learning how to write a description of a setting. We looked at a strange planet called Pandora and thought of adjectives to describe what we could see. We then wrote these descriptions as sentences in our books.
In maths we have been learning how to count forwards and backwards. We have completed number sequences as numerals and pictures.
In science we have continued learning about different materials and their properties. We helped Bob who needed some new items for his rocket. We told him which material would be best for a: chair, waterbottle, bookshelf and window by describing their properties.
In phonics we have been revising the following sounds:
ar (start the car)
oo (poo at the zoo)
There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:
This half term we are learning about a Christian baptism. We would love to see any photos of the children at their own baptism service to display in our classroom. If you are happy to share these photos, please could the children bring in a copy of the photo next week or email a copy to the School Office.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session on Wednesday. Below is an attachment of the PowerPoint used to help explain routines in Year One.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂