This week’s blog is written by Lily D and Cruz.
This week we have been learning about colours and clothing in French. My favourite colour is rose (pink) because it sounds like a rose flower (Lily D). My favourite colour is bleu (blue) because it is the colour of the sky and it is a nice and bright colour (Cruz).
In English we have been learning how to include reported and direct speech into our writing.
In maths we have been learning about our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We used bar models to help us in our calculations.
In our reading lessons we have started the book ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. We have sequenced the events so far on a story map and talked about the relationships between the characters.
In the Iron Age they made big hills so that they could see if an enemy was coming and used pots for their cooking and storage. To show our history knowledge we have been making our own hill forts and sketched a design for a pot.
In singing assemblies we have been practising the carols for our concert in two weeks.
We hope you enjoy the Christmas Fair, we look forward to seeing you there.
By Lily D and Cruz