Year One Home Learning Thursday 2nd July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Thursday 2nd July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Thursday 2nd July Home Learning

Phonics Thursday 2nd July review sounds

Grammar Spot the mistakes


For and Against

Teaching video on Class Dojo


Review making an amount – Review making amounts

Recognising notes video –

Recognising notes video 2 -

Recognising notes

Recognising notes challenge sheet

Geography South America

Map of South America Activity Sheet

Brazilian Carnivals

Mask template

Mr Stocking’s Geography Week– St. Matthew’s Geography theme week


Year One Home Learning Wednesday 1st July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Wednesday 1st July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Wednesday 1st July Home Learning 2020

Phonics Sounds Wednesday 1st July


Which piece of punctuation to use?



How much money

Money Wednesday

Geography Introduction to North America

Making a landscape

North American animals

Ansel Adams Photopack


Year One Home Learning Tuesday 30th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Tuesday 30th June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Year One Home Learning Monday 29th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Monday 29th June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Year One Home Learning Friday 26th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Friday 26th June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Year One Home Learning Thursday 25th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Thursday 25th June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Thursday 25th June Home Learning

Phonics Thursday 25th June review sounds

Grammar Sentences to edit


Monkey puzzle story

Riddles for jungle animals

Maths Thursday ordering numbers

Ordering numbers challenge sheet

Science Camouflage to hunt or hide

Art – Jungle paintings

Year One Home Learning Wednesday 24th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Wednesday 24th June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Wednesday 24th June Home Learning

Phonics Review Sounds Wednesday 24th June





Comparing numbers

Comparing numbers challenge 1 2 3


Endangered Animals


Zig zag snakes

Cardboard tiger

Lantern Craft

Year One Home Learning Tuesday 23rd June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Tuesday 23rd June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon



Plan Tuesday 23rd June Home Learning

Phonics Tuesday 23rd June sounds review

Grammar Suffixes


The Magic Paintbrush Story Powerpoint

Maths Lesson 2 –

Partitioning numbers


Exploring China

China fact sheet


Lantern Craft

Cardboard tiger

Zig zag snakes

Year One Home Learning Monday 22nd June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Monday 22nd June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Monday 22nd June Home Learning Room on the Broom

Phonics Monday 22nd June sounds review

SPaG ROTB_Witchs-spell_CH



Cauldron for ingredients

Teaching video on Class Dojo


Hundred Square for maths

Monday 22nd June one more one less

Extra activities Room-on-your-broom

Year One Home Learning Friday 19th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Friday 19th June and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

If you have any questions about the children’s learning or if the children want to speak to me, I will be available to contact between 9am and 11am on ClassDojo.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Friday 19th June Home Learning Sharing a Shell

Phonics Friday 19th June review sounds

Link to ebook

Grammar Friday 19th June SPaG test


Shape poems


Making equal groups grouping

Friday 19th June Making equal groups by grouping

Picture News ‘How should we learn to manage our money?’

Resource 1 Managing Money

Picture News Reflection Money

Money Box Design