Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

Welcome back to the Summer Term. We hope you all had a restful holiday and enjoyed the sunny Easter weekend.

This week, we started our new core text ‘The Snail and the Whale’.

On Tuesday the children looked at the cover of the book and made predictions about what they thought would happen in the story.

Next week the children will be writing a newspaper report, describing the moment the whale became stuck on the beach.

On Wednesday we looked at various newspaper articles and identified the key features. We then started to plan our newspaper report to explain what happened to the whale. Next week we will be writing these reports ensuring to include a snappy headline and key vocabulary.

In maths we have been learning how to multiply two numbers together. First we used the language of ‘lots of’. For example: 3 X 5 is the same as 3 lots of 5. We then looked at making equal groups and next week we will be using arrays to represent a multiplication equation.

In history we have started to learn about seasides in the past by looking at photographs of beaches during the Victorian era. We studied the photographs carefully and wrote sentences to explain what we have found out and what we would like to find out.

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have learnt so far. Below is a link to a game for the children to play to review their sounds:


As our new topic is ‘By The Sea’ we have new seaside themed groups:

  • Jellyfishes
  • Sharks
  • Killer Whales
  • Merpeople
  • Crabs

Next week it is the turn of the killer whales table for Show and Tell (Toby, Jiyong, Nicole S, Finn, Valeri and Caitie).

Next Friday it will be our class assembly where we will be teaching you all about rainforests. We hope you enjoy hearing all of the facts we have learnt!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

Ugly Bug Ball

This week we explored the pond wildlife at Fishpond’s Wood. We observed the different plants that grew there as well as the animals that live both in and along the water’s edge. We got very excited when we spotted a family of ducks hiding in the bushes. Then using bug hunters, we went on a mini beast hunt to see what creepy crawlies we could find!

After exploring the pond we then took part in our class Easter egg hunt and happily chomped on our chocolate treats.

In maths this week we have been completing our termly assessments to consolidate all of our learning.

Next term we will be starting our topic ‘By The Sea’. The first book we will be reading is ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson.

Below is an attachment to an overview of our learning for the Summer Term:

Curriculum Map- Summer

This week we have enjoyed learning about Ben’s dinosaur bone and Jan’s animal atlas in Show and Tell.

This week the children all took home a set of real and alien words for them to practise over the Easter holidays. The children need to use their robot arms to sound out and blend each of the words carefully. This is to help consolidate their phonics knowledge, ready for the final term.

We hope you all have a restful Easter break,

The Year One Team


A Potion for Max

In English this week we have been writing our own version of Where the Wild Things Are. We drew story maps to help us sequence the events and verbally told the story to our partner. As a class we then created a word bank of effective vocabulary we wanted to include in our retells. Please come and read our stories as we’re really proud of them!

In maths we have been continuing to explore measurements. We have learnt how to measure in cm, remembering that we need to start at 0 cm to make an accurate measurement. We have begun to explore the weight and mass of different objects. We used cubes to measure the weight of different items in the classroom and then compared the items using the mathematical symbols < > and = .

This week when we visited Fishpond’s Woods, we were asked by the Wild Things to create a potion for Max. They gave us a set of ingredients that we needed to find in the woods in order to make the potion.

Next week it will be our last session at Fishpond’s Wood. For part of the session we will be exploring the pond, please ensure the children bring their wellies to school.

This week we have enjoyed learning about Guy’s shark bone, Toby’s battleships, Eddie’s book ‘Over 1000 Fantastic Animal Facts’, Nicky’s art set, Elizabeth’s cuddly and Theo’s ant glasses. Next week it is the turn of the Billy Goats Gruff table (Ben, Caitie, Jan, Finn and Nicole S) for Show and Tell.

This week in phonics we have been revising the following sounds:

ea (tea, sea)

ee (green, seen)

e-e (evening)

Attached is a Powerpoint that has a variety of real and alien words for the children to practise sounding out and blending.


Next week the children will be given a series of sounds for them to practise over the Easter Holidays.

We hope you all have a restful weekend,

The Year One Team

Fairytale puppets

This week we written diary entries as Max from our core text’ Where the Wild Things Are’. We looked at different diaries and as a class identified the key features. We wrote our diary entries on special paper to make a class book for our reading area.

In maths we have been learning how to measure length and height. We measured different items in the classroom using cubes and then learnt how to measure in cm.

This week in Fishpond’s Wood we made tree rubbings and discussed the different patterns on the bark. After that we gathered samples of evergreen leaves and leaves that had fallen from a deciduous tree. We carefully sketched the different leaves and then discussed their similarities and differences. Using the artist Andy Goldsworthy as inspiration, we collected various items to make a picture in nature.


This week we have completed our D.T project to design and make a fairy tale puppet. The children all designed their puppet and wrote a list of what materials and equipment they would need to complete their project. Here are our amazing products!


This week we have enjoyed learning about Marcus’s special toy, George’s toy lizard, Issa’s Rubix Cube and Gabriel’s fidget spinner. Next week it is the turn of the Gingerbread Man table (Nicky, Toby, Elizabeth, Guy, Theo and Eddie) for Show and Tell.

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have learnt so far. Below is a link to a Powerpoint which contains words from a previous phonics quiz for the children to practise at home. Please note that at the moment I am currently unable to log into the Spelling Shed. I’m hoping to have to have this technical glitch sorted next week!


We hope you have a restful weekend,

The Year One Team

Fascinating Facts!

This week we have been continuing to learn lots of fascinating facts about rain-forests. Did you know that algae grows on a sloth’s back? This helps them camouflage in trees to help hide from predators such as snakes and jaguars.  We wrote our own information pages about rain-forests. To show our learning we write information pages all about rain-forests. We organised and grouped our information into paragraphs and worked hard to include clear and concise facts.

In maths we have been learning how to represent numbers using tens and ones and order numbers according to their value.

Due to the wet and windy weather this week we were unable to visit Fishpond’s Wood. Next week we will be participating in our school Science Week focusing on ‘Journeys’. The whole school will be participating in a range of ‘mix up activities’ on the Wednesday afternoon. This means that we will visit Fishpond’s Wood on the Tuesday instead of the Wednesday.

In indoor P.E we have been developing our balancing skills by moving across the larger apparatus.

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have learnt so far. The children each completed a phonics quiz to see which sounds we need to continue to revise. Below is a link to a Powerpoint which contains words from a previous phonics quiz for the children to practise at home.


Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise  some of the sounds we have been revising in class: https://play.edshed.co/login

This week we have enjoyed learning about Albie’s disposable camera, Caroline’s penguin book, Eliza’s flower bunny and Ranga’s periodic table. Next week it is the turn of the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ table for Show and Tell (Lewis, Gabriel, Sean, George, Marcus and Issa).

We hope you have a restful weekend,

The Year One Team


Deep Down in the Woods

This week we have been focusing on the setting of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and have been learning all about rainforests.   Next week we will be writing an information page to teach people all of the facts that we have learnt.

On Wednesday we had our first trip to Fishpond’s Wood. We explored the physical features of our local environment and found lots of exciting mini-beasts until the rain poured down!


In maths we have been developing our reasoning skills.

Below is a link to a website that provides some great reasoning and problem solving challenges for the children.


On Thursday we celebrated ‘World Book Day’ and dressed up as our favourite characters from different stories. To celebrate the day we participated in a whole school parade to showcase our amazing outfits. Thank you for your donations towards the Book Aid Trust. In the assembly the children learnt about how their donations help bring books to children around the world.

This week we have enjoyed learning about Valeri’s toy dinosaur, Lenny’s battleship, Lucy’s Minnie Mouse, Levi’s necklace and  Matilda’s toy elephant. Next week it is the turn of the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ table for Show and Tell (Albie, Grace, Ranga, Eliza, Caroline and Jiyong).

We hope you all have a restful  weekend,

The Year One Team

Meeting the Wild Things

This week we have started our new core text ‘Where the Wild Things Are’.


We generated adjectives to describe the appearance and characteristics of the Wild Things and used plasticine to create our own character for the story. Here are our terrifying Wild Things:

In maths we have been learning to use a number line to count forwards and backwards from a given number.

In phonics we have been revising the following sounds:

a-e (shape, game)

ai (snail, rain)

ay (day, may)

ou (out, cloud)

ow (brown, cow)

On the website below there are a range of games to play with the children to help practise their sounds.


Next Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day. The children are invited to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book. They can also bring in a copy of the book to share with the class. We look forward to seeing all of the different story characters.

Next week it is the turn of the Goldilocks’s table for Show and Tell (Valeri, Levi, Matilda, Lucy, Lenny and Lilly).

We hope you all have a restful weekend,

The Year One Team

Story Boxes

This week we enjoyed making our fairy tale story boxes. We used a variety of materials when making our beautiful creations.

Here are our fantastic story boxes. Can you guess the fairy tale?

In maths this week we have been completing our termly assessments to consolidate all of our learning.

This week we have enjoyed learning about Jan’s sock balls, Nicole’s cuddly called Leia, Finn’s space explorer, Ben’s toy car called Lightning McQueen and Caitie’s game called Sleeping Queens.  The new rota will start after the half term holiday.

We hope you all have a restful break,

The Year One Team

Into the Forest

This week we wrote our own version of a modern fairy tale by retelling the story of ‘Into the Forest’.

The children planned the story on a story map and then wrote their version on Thursday. We were all blown away by the descriptive detail the children included in their writing. They used included lots of descriptive details to make their stories interesting and should feel extremely proud of all of their hard work.

In music we have been reading the story of ‘Peter and the Wolf’.

We chose instruments to reflect each character’s movements and personalities.

Here’s a video of us experimenting with the different instruments:

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

In maths we have been reviewing the key skills taught this term by consolidating our reasoning and problem solving skills.

Next Wednesday (13th February) we will be making a fairy tale story box. The children will need to bring in a shoe box (or a small box) that can be used to create the fairy tale setting. A few examples are below:

In phonics we have been learning the sounds:

air (chair, fair)

are (care, stare)

ear (tear, fear)

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:https://play.edshed.co/login

This week we have enjoyed learning about Nicky’s trophy, Elizabeth’s monkey called ‘Blue’, Eddie’s bouncy ball, Toby’s penguin, Theo’s remote controlled dinosaur and Guy’s medal. Next week it is the turn of the Billy Goats Gruff table (Ben, Nicole, Caitie, Jan and Finn) for Show and Tell.

Congratulations to Lewis who was named this week’s Star Writer and to Caitie who was appointed the role of Year 1 Faith Champion. Lewis has worked incredibly hard on the presentation of his work and includes exciting and varied adjectives in his descriptions. It was very hard to choose one Faith Champion so Caitie should feel very proud.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team


A Magic Cauldron

This week we have read the story of ‘Hansel and Gretel’.


We learnt about the villainous witch and thought about what potions she could be concocting in her cottage.  We thought of our own recipe for a potion and then wrote these recipes as a set of instructions. Here are our ideas:

” A potion to make you fall in love.” Caitie

“A potion to turn you into a lizard.” Finn

“A potion to make you be forgotten.” Ben

“A potion to make you explode in colours.” Jan

“A potion to  turn you into a unicorn mermaid.” Nicole

“A potion to turn you into a basket.” Toby

“A potion to turn you into a frog.” Guy

“A poisonous potion.” Eddie

“A potion that makes you explode.” (Nicky)

“A potion to turn you into a pikachu.” Theo

“A potion that if you drink it will attack you.” Elizabeth

“A potion to turn you into a spider.” Gabriel

“A potion that makes you poisonous.” Marcus

“A potion to turn you into a fang.” Sean

“A potion to turn you into a newt.” George

“A potion that makes you bubbly.” Lewis

“A potion to turn you into a shower.” Issa

“A potion to turn you invisible.” Eliza

“A potion to make you blast off into space.” Ranga

“A potion to make you explode.” Albie

“A potion to make you fall in love.” Grace

“A potion to make you turn red.” Caroline

“A potion to turn you into a fighting robot.” Jiyong

“A potion to make you fall in love.” Lilly

“A potion to turn you into an exploding monster.” Matilda

“A potion to turn you into a fairy.” Lucy

“A potion to you into Ben 10.” Levi

“A potion to shrink people.” Lenny

“A potion to turn into a giant, ugly monster.” Valeri

In our reading sessions we have been comparing traditional and modern fairy tales. Using our core text ‘Into the Forest’ and ‘Shrek’ we have looked at the similarities and differences between stories such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and fairy tales that are written today.

In maths we have been using numicon to calculate related addition and subtraction facts.

E.g. If 7+3=10, then 3+7=10, 10-3 =7, and 10-7=3

We call these number facts ‘fact families’.

In science we enjoyed learning about the parts of a plant you can eat, although not everyone was a fan of the radish!

In phonics we have been learning the sounds:


sh (shop, wish)

ch (church, chip)

ea (tea, sea)

ar (star, car)

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website: https://play.edshed.co/login

On Wednesday 13th February we will be making a fairy tale story box. The week commencing Monday 11th February the children will need to bring in a shoe box (or a small box) that can be used to create the fairy tale setting. A few examples are below:

This week we have enjoyed learning about Sean’s monkey ‘Fluffy’, Lewis’s bat light, George’s book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and squirrel ‘Fluffy’, Gabriel’s ‘Switch-Go Dino’ called ‘Akuna’, Issa’s train set and Marcus’s Lego car.  Next week it is the turn of the Gingerbread Man table (Guy, Toby, Nicky, Elizabeth, Theo and Eddie) for Show and Tell.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team