This week we have been continuing to learn lots of fascinating facts about rain-forests. Did you know that algae grows on a sloth’s back? This helps them camouflage in trees to help hide from predators such as snakes and jaguars. We wrote our own information pages about rain-forests. To show our learning we write information pages all about rain-forests. We organised and grouped our information into paragraphs and worked hard to include clear and concise facts.
In maths we have been learning how to represent numbers using tens and ones and order numbers according to their value.
Due to the wet and windy weather this week we were unable to visit Fishpond’s Wood. Next week we will be participating in our school Science Week focusing on ‘Journeys’. The whole school will be participating in a range of ‘mix up activities’ on the Wednesday afternoon. This means that we will visit Fishpond’s Wood on the Tuesday instead of the Wednesday.
In indoor P.E we have been developing our balancing skills by moving across the larger apparatus.
In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have learnt so far. The children each completed a phonics quiz to see which sounds we need to continue to revise. Below is a link to a Powerpoint which contains words from a previous phonics quiz for the children to practise at home.
Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise some of the sounds we have been revising in class:
This week we have enjoyed learning about Albie’s disposable camera, Caroline’s penguin book, Eliza’s flower bunny and Ranga’s periodic table. Next week it is the turn of the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ table for Show and Tell (Lewis, Gabriel, Sean, George, Marcus and Issa).
We hope you have a restful weekend,
The Year One Team