Dear Parents/Carers
The children have had a an excellent week of learning and finishing up work after our busy test filled week the week before.
The children started our last maths topic on mass and capacity, learning how to weigh objects in grams and kilograms. We thought of questions to ask Florence Nightingale in Topic and wrote a diary as if we were Florence in English. In Art, the children practised printing different shapes using various colours.
Next week we have an activity filled week for our final full week in Year 2. On Monday, we are going to the Florence Nightingale Museum. A quick reminder that the children need a packed lunch, and will be wearing their normal school uniform with their school hat. On Thursday, the children will be meeting farm animals and on Friday we are having our sports day. Amongst these exciting days, we will be finishing our maths and topic for Year 2 and we will be starting to prepare the children for the transition to key stage 2!
Have a lovely weekend, (It’s coming home!)
Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy