Dear Parents/Carers
We have had another good week of learning in which the children have worked very hard right up to Friday home time. Earlier today we had our Key Stage 1 Harvest celebrations (in place of our usual whole school harvest festival) where the children sang Cauliflowers Fluffy and shared with each other what they are thankful for in their lives.
SpellingShed this week is the same as last week, with 3 of the groups having one longer list, whilst the last group has two smaller lists. It is clear the children have been working very hard at their spellings and phonics, and we are seeing excellent improvement from every child. Year 2 was 2nd place this week for Spelling Shed points, despite being the smallest class in the school. If you would like to see what your children have been doing in Maths, maths shed is accessible through the edshed webite as well.
This week we have learnt how to count in multiples of 10, with the children today looking at 20 more and less, and then higher amounts using the column method. In English we have been learning about informative writing, with the aim to be an information page about the Isle of Wight next week. Hopefully, the children will be able to tell you a lot about the Island if you ask them. In R.E. we looked at the Jewish Harvest festival Sukkot, and planned our Sukkah houses that we will be building next week.
It was Year 2’s turn this week to write about our weekly big question. This week our question was :
The children thought about how we can do more to help others and the planet. We followed this up with a lesson on recycling in Science.
Next week is parents evening, thank you for all taking the time to sign up and choose a time, I am looking forward to speaking to everyone!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy