This week we have continued reading our core text ‘Into the Forest’. We noticed that a wolf was hiding behind one of the trees and this got us to thinking about what other fairy tale villains could be lurking in the woods. To help people catch the villains we wrote a wanted poster describing a fairy tale villain. We worked hard to include adjectives to describe their appearance and characteristics.
In maths this week we have been learning how to use a number line to solve a subtraction problem. We counted backwards and used empty number lines to solve a range of subtraction equations. We then applied our understanding to write our own fairy tale subtraction word problem.
“Shrek had 19 mushrooms. He ate 12, how many mushrooms does he have left?” (Edward)
“Sleeping Beauty had 19 tiaras. She cracked 9, how many tiaras does she have left?” (Erin)
In the week beginning Monday 5th February we will be making plant pots from recycled yogurt pots. These will be sold to help raise money for the Lunch Bowl Network Charity.
Please could you help us by bringing in any used pots that we can turn into beautiful plant pots; the more the better. Please ensure the pots are cleaned thoroughly before bringing them into school.
Next week it is the turn of the Little Red Riding Hood table for Show and Tell (Edward, Ella, Sophia and Lily V)
Have a great weekend,
The Year 1 Team