Meet Bob

This week we have started reading our core text ‘Bob Man on the Moon’.

We learnt about Bob’s day on the moon and all of the jobs he has to complete inside his rocket.  We then wrote a set of questions we would like to ask Bob, to find what it is like to visit the moon. We look forward to reading his replies next week.

In phonics we have learnt the sounds ‘ee’ (what can you see?) and ‘oa’ (goat in a boat). We have also been reviewing our phonics knowledge by playing the game ‘Obb and Bob’.

In maths we have been learning how to count and sort objects and numbers.  We sorted a variety of objects in different ways:

“We have sorted them into colours”

“We have sorted them into groups of three.”


We then used objects and numicon to represent a number:

We have begun to identify if a number is odd or even by singing our odd numbers song “Odd numbers it’s time to shine, they end in 1,3,5,7,9.”

In science we have started our topic ‘Materials’. We looked at different materials and began to describe their properties. We then sorted the materials using the vocabulary we had generated.

This week we wrote our class prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for the world you have given us, our friends, families and school. We thank you for the love you give us every day.

Please help us to do our best and try our hardest in all we do.

We will always try to be kind to each other and love each other.



Congratulations to Toby who was awarded the Good Manners Cup in assembly. He has worked very hard this week and remembered to show good listening on the carpet as well as being helpful to the adults; well done Toby.

We enjoyed the Roaring Rocket’s Show and Tell items this week. George told us all about his wombat ‘Scruttle’,Toby showed the class his lovely alien picture and Nicky spoke about her space pictures.   Next week it is the turn of the ‘But Martin!’ table for Show and Tell (Marcus, Nicole S, Matilda, Finn, Albie and Sean).

Please remember to bring any empty yogurt pots for Miss Barnam’s exciting R.E lesson in two week’s time.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

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